Page 47 of Bonita Brynne
Just like that, I was officially an old lady, but the celebration didn’t make me happy. It didn’t erase the guilt I carried over Raymond’s abduction or the constant worry of what Dorian might do next.
Becca’s words replayed in my head,“If it were me, I’d sacrifice myself for my brother.”
Joseph’s panty-melting smile made my heart flutter. I scanned the room when he released me. Despite everything, I didn’t feel like I belonged there. Maybe in time, I would. Or maybe not.
A few guys shook Joseph’s hand.
My mom and Raul watched on from the side.
Some of the old ladies chatted near the bar.
I couldn’t pretend all was well. I needed to do something… “I want you to trade me for Raymond. Call Dorian and tell him you’ll make the switch. It’s the only way.”
The bar fell eerily silent. Every pair of eyes were locked on me.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Joseph yelled.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Clearly, a few screws had come loose during her moment of badassery.
“Excuse me?” She blinked her wide eyes like an owl.
“You aren’t doing it, and that’s fucking final!” If I let her go, I would never get her back. Nope. Not happening. I didn’t care if I sounded like a domineering asshole. She was mine. Pregnant withmybaby. I wouldn’t hand her over to a deranged pervert.
There had to be another way to rescue Raymond. We had struggled during church to develop a workable solution to extract my brother safely. Nobody had agreed on how to do it, but I would never sign off on sending Brynne.
She looked around the still bar, the apples of her cheeks red. I heard the wheels turning in her head, rapidly processing the situation and preparing to fight back. She had to know it would be pointless. I’d never risk her life or my child’s.
“I’m not asking for your permission, Joseph. I’m telling you what I’m going to do.” She pushed my hands off her and stepped back.
“Ooh, shit, she’s a ball of fire. Lucky man.”
“Shut up, Lynx!” I sneered at the asshole. Now wasn’t the time for his stupid sarcasm. “Bonita, you’re wrong. You do need my permission. I claimed you. You’re mine.”
“You don’t own me.” A sardonic laugh shot out of her mouth. “You’re crazy!”
“Yes, I own you as far as my club is concerned.” I tried to stay calm, but it wasn’t easy. “I just claimed you before you made your ridiculous request.”
“No. Nu-uh, I didn’t sign up to be property!” She whipped her head toward Tina and my dad. “Mom? Raul?”
“We haven’t even been here a full day, and look at the drama.” My dad threw his hands up. “He claimed you, Brynne. Nothing you can do about it.”
She gaped and took several more steps back. “I am not giving up my freedom.”
“And what about the baby? If you think Dorian will be happy you’re pregnant withmybaby, you’re a fool.” The second the words left my lips, I regretted them. “Bonita, I’m sorry.” I moved toward her, feeling like a fucking guilty asshole.
“No!” She pulled off my mother’s ring and held it like she was going to throw it in my face. She better not. My mother’s ring was the most precious possession I owned.
“Baby, I’m sorry. You’re not thinking straight.”
A tear streaked down her face. “I’m done.” She ran toward my dad, put the ring in his hand, and was gone.
“Brynne!” I rushed after her, and my old man blocked me. “Tina, go after Brynne.”
“Okay.” She darted away.