Page 58 of Bonita Brynne
I exhaled and tapped my nails on the table.
“He’s just worried about you,” Maddy said.
“I know, but he’s overprotective.”
“Better get used to it because he’s not going to change,” Tara said across from me.
“She’s right.” Maddy bobbed her head as she popped a berry into her mouth. “These men have all suffered a great loss in their lives. Most never wanted to fall in love or have a family. So when they find the lady who brings them to their knees, they are over the top about everything.”
“Just wait until your baby is born.” Tara clicked her tongue. “Daddy Track will amp up his overprotectiveness. Of course I doubt anyone is as extreme as my Hero, but that’s because he tragically lost his first wife and unborn baby.
“How heartbreaking.” I refrained from asking questions.
“It is, so even when your man goes a little looney over protecting you, try to remember why he became that way.” Tara made an excellent point.
“I will. Thank you.” I took in the room. “So every biker has an awful backstory?”
“Sadly, yes. MC families are often, but not always, a found family,” Maddy said. “Except for Storm’s cousins in North Dakota. They’re blood-related and seemed to have grown up in a good home.”
“Yeah, but Cobra is dealing with a daughter he didn’t know existed,” Emilee said. “When I last spoke to Piper, she said Cobra spends every waking minute with Karma and Nova.”
“Oh my gosh, that story is heartbreaking.” Jaynee, Lynx’s old lady, put her hand on her chest. “Karma and Cobra should’ve never been apart all these years.” She rubbed her very round belly. I believe she’d said she was due in August. “We’re planning to take Sadie to Fargo for Nova’s birthday. And maybe bring Grayson as a surprise guest.”
“Nova will love that.” Tara did a little clap. “I miss my school kids. This summer already feels like it will drag on forever.” She eyed Ava. “Have you decided on a wedding day? Track is back in Minnesota so he can attend like Ire wanted.” She waggled her eyebrows.
“Not really.” Ava grimaced. “I want to wait until Raymond is home and things get back to normal.”
Maddy sighed. “I’ve never experienced normal since I got together with Storm. First, there was the Dirty Hunters and AJ’s death.” She instantly teared up. “And then your dad, Roja.”
“Don’t remind me.” The redhead played with the stem of a maraschino cherry. “Finding Snow nearly frozen to death in a ditch will be something I will never forget.”
“Me either,” Snow replied. “And you know Jill died not long after I returned,” she told me.
One by one, each woman at the table shared a little of their backstory. It felt like we were bonding, and I’d been accepted into the old ladies’ group.
“Brynne,” Joseph shouted my name, and I heard the phone ringing. My blood turned cold as I rushed over to the council’s table.
Storm raised his hand and the room fell silent as the grave. “This is Storm,” he answered.
“I wasn’t expecting to hear your voice. Where’s my girl?” Dorian asked.
Storm nodded for me to respond.
“I’m here.”
Dorian sighed in a creepy way. “How are you, my love? Are those dirty bikers treating you well?”
“I’m fine.”
“Soon enough, you’ll be with me in the lap of luxury as you deserve.”
My heart stopped.
“Where is my son, Dorian?” My mom leaned on the table, putting her face near the phone.
“Christina,” he said her name as if aroused. “Don’t worry, he’s fine.”
“I hate you for taking him.”