Page 10 of Slay Me
So far, though, no one pays me any attention.
We approach a small building, and Frida slips inside. The Ringmaster grips the door and holds it open for me, his gaze traveling over the crowd behind us. My stomach churns with nerves, my heart beating far faster than it should be.
But the moment I step past the foyer of the small brick building, I am struck with beauty in the chaos. There are fabricseverywhere—draped over the backs of chairs and couches, hung on the walls as tapestries, pinned to the tops of clothing bars…there isn’t a single inch of wall or ceiling space that doesn’t have fabric on it.
My fingers twitch at my sides, the desire to bury my hands in the cart full of fabrics directly to my left so strong I can barely stand it.
“So, darling, tell me what I can do for you. Why do you not bring Adaya with you?”
“She’s busy,” he replies.
“Who is Adaya?” A twinge of jealousy that has no business being anywhere near the Ringmaster slips to the surface.
“A friend,” he replies curtly. “Liv enjoys crafting clothing.”
Frida’s attention shifts to me, her small hazel eyes widening the second they land on me. “Is that right?”
“Yes.” I clear my throat and stare back as she continues to watch me carefully.
“Interesting. Well, look around, and I will grab some of the things I have in the back.” She smiles softly then turns and hustles through the fabric racks, disappearing through a door in the back.
“Choose your fabrics,” the Ringmaster tells me.
“I didn’t bring any magic.” No magic means no currency. Had he told me—
“You don’t need it,” he replies simply then begins to run his gloved fingers over the soft fabrics as though he can feel anything through the barrier. I’m hypnotized by the action, my mind imagining that it’s my flesh he strokes so tenderly.
I’m caught so off guard that I cannot help myself. “Why do you wear gloves outside of the ring?”
His copper eyes shift to me, and I can swear they brighten. “That is none of your business. You’re here to pick fabrics, not ask questions.”
My pride pops like a massive balloon, so I turn and begin perusing through the material, all while attempting to block out the Ringmaster slowly lurking behind me. I grip a navy-blue material with the tips of my fingers, enjoying the way it shimmers beneath the lights overhead.
“That would look quite stunning against your skin tone.”
I jump, whirling to face Frida, who is grinning at me, clearly overjoyed that she frightened me. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come over.”
“No need to apologize. You just boosted my ego quite a lot. Not often I’m swift enough to make you supernaturals jump.”
You supernaturals.“You’re human?”
“Might as well be the last as far as I know.” She beams at me. “Though, if it weren’t for D, I wouldn’t be here.” She offers me an armful of fabrics in various shades of crimson, purples, and golds. And as she pulls away, I notice the faint hint of black ink on her wrinkled wrist.Interesting.
“If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be here either,” I confide.
The woman smiles softly at me, her grey eyes full of knowledge. “We are not defined by our pasts, Liv. Best you remember that if you want to have a future not plagued by it.”
“I’m working on believing that,” I reply honestly.
“Work harder,” she says then winks and turns back toward D. “What can I get for you? More gloves? If I know you, you’re down to your final pair.”
He mutters something that makes Frida laugh, and when she bustles away, he turns to face me.
“I’m trying to decide,” I say quickly.
His copper gaze travels down to the fabric and then back up to my face. “Get it all.”