Page 75 of Slay Me
“Who’s going to talk first?” I question, stopping in front of a young shifter who is quite clearly the newest recruit. Based on his appearance, I’d gauge he’s around the age of twenty. It’s easy enough to surmise that this is the first time he’s been out on Ernesto’s orders. At least, I would think so, given the amount of piss that leaked out of him when I’d first entered the room.
“No one’s saying shit,” the older supernatural snaps. His silver hair is cut to the scalp, a large snake shaved into the side of his head. He’s been a bit harder to peg down. Not a shifter of some kind, not a fae—
“And just what are you?” I demand as I cross to him. Bracken helped him out by removing all of his facial piercings. The hard way.
Blood leaks from his nose, gauged cheek, and both ear lobes. “Your fucking daddy,” he snarls with a laugh.
I rear my fist back and slam it into his cheek. “Try again.”
“He’s a chameleon,” the young shifter yells.
“You fucking asshole!” the man in front of me snaps, spit flying out of his mouth. “Keep your damn mouth closed!”
“A Chameleon, huh?” I glance back at Bracken. “Can’t they shift into whatever creatures their parents were?”
“That’s what I’ve heard.”
I return to the man who is now watching me warily, yellow eyes wide. “Your kind is quite rare. Which, given what I know about that cocksucker boss of yours, doesn’t surprise me. So, since you look like a human now, which of your parents was one of the weaker species? Your bastard father?” No emotion. “So it must have been your mother who whored herself out for a taste of supernatural cock.”
He rams his forehead into mine, splitting it wide open. I am, however, uninjured, thanks to the fact that I partially shifted when I saw the blow coming.
His eyes widen at the sight of my scales. What are you?” he questions. “Not that it matters.” He grins as crimson drips down his chin. “Boss is going to enjoy adding you to his collection.”
“Except no one is making it out of here alive, are they?”
The young shifter whimpers. I move toward him. “Why were you trying to get into the apartments? And don’t lie to me. I have a feeling I already know the answer.”
“Keep. Your. Fucking. Mouth. Shut,” The Chameleon snaps.
The young shifter’s grey eyes dart from him to me. “This isn’t my fight,” he insists. “Farv said we were only coming to look.”
“Farv? That would be this dickhead?”
The young shifter nods.
“Ernesto is going to kill you for opening your motherfucking mouth!”
“Bracken, can you deal with this asshole?”
“With pleasure.” The man shifts into his lion and stalks forward. Farv screams—then goes silent.
All while I watch the horrified expression of the young shifter.
“He killed him!”
“Yes, Farv was clearly of no use to me. How about you try to prove that you are? What’s your name?”
“Conal,” he whimpers. “I swear, I didn’t even know that we were coming here to grab nobody. I don’t want any part in that. My sister was kidnapped and killed here in No Man’s Land. I’m not trying to put that on anyone else.” A tear slips from his cheek as his bottom lip quivers.
He’s telling me the truth.
“Farv was going to kill her?”
The boy nods.