Page 15 of Off Limits
Lochlyn and I shuffle down the road in silence, his hands in his pockets while I hold my coat against me. But we’re close enough that our arms brush every so many steps.
When we get to my driveway, I pause, turning to face him. Sometimes I forget how tall he is and that I usually need to tilt my head slightly to see his face.
“Well, good night, Loch. Thanks for chatting.”
“Anytime, Shay.” Before he turns to walk away, he leans down, hand on my cheek, and presses his mouth to mine again. A million butterflies flutter in my stomach.
“Good night,” he says against my lips.
Slowly, he pulls his hand from my face, lingering for an extra second, before turning and walking home. I stare after him, entirely unsure of what just happened between the two of us, but knowing that I want it to happen again.
Chapter 5
“Igetoutatsix tonight,” Chelsea says as she flips through a magazine.
“I know Chels. I help with the schedule.”
“Oh, right. Well, either way, why don’t you just come over from work?”
“I don’t want to be a bother.”
“Nonsense.” Though she waves her hand at me, she doesn't glance up from the magazine in her lap.
“Chelsea, I’ve been at your house, like, every day this break. I’m sure Lochlyn’s sick of me being there by now.”
Lochlyn had left the day after Thanksgiving without a word about what had happened between us. I’ve tried pushing it to the back of my mind, reminding myself over and over that he’s Chelsea’s brother, that nothing can happen, that it was surely pity. But that doesn’t I mean I don’twantit to happen again.
He’s been home for about a week, coming back on Christmas Eve. I’ve only seen him a few times since, and every time he’s acted like nothing happened. It makes my head spin. The one thing I do know is that Chelsea has no idea. I certainly haven’t told her. And I know Lochlyn hasn’t either because she would lose her mind. First at him, then atme. Which hasn’t happened yet.
“Who cares what he wants or who he’s sick of. And you’re so quiet there’s no way he could be sick of you. You just kind of…exist.” Great. Just what I want him to think of me. That I just kind of exist.
“Nice, Chels.”
“You know what I mean. You don’t make a fuss, you don’t make things difficult, you just graciously accept whatever is offered and say thank you.”
“You make enough fuss for the both of us.”
We’re sitting in the office at the store. Chelsea works extra over breaks to earn more money. While her parents are loaded, they weren’t pleased with her decision to defer Cornell, not even sure she’d be approved. They don’t seemyloss as a reason forherto stay behind. They cut her off. They make sure all expenses are paid, that she eats, but she has no access to fun money. And if there’s one thing Chelsea needs, it’s fun money.
“You’re impossible sometimes.”
“Funny, I’m pretty sure I say that about you.” I stick my tongue out at her as she swats at my leg.
“All I’m saying is that you don’t have to just accept everything. Lochlyn can be an ass. But you’d never tell him.”
I shrug and lean forward slightly, almost like I’m trying to keep her from hearing the sudden increased thumping of my heart. “I don’t know, he’s always been nice to me. And I’m not afraid to tell him off, Chelsea. I’ve known him almost my whole life.”
“How about this summer when he pulled you into the pool?” My pulse flutters remembering how his arms felt around my waist, the way his eyes zeroed in on mine.
“He does that every year, Chels. For, like, the past ten years. I don’t know why you got so upset about it. I honestly was surprised it hadn’t happened already.”
“And I don’t understand how it doesn’t bother you every year.” She angrily flips a few more pages of her magazine.
“Because it’s harmless, all in the name of fun. He’s not doing anything to hurt me, he’s pushing me in a pool. It’s literally classic summertime fun.”
“It just seems like he targets you.” This time, her eyes lock on me. If she’s trying to say something, I’m not sure what it is. Regardless, I fight the heat creeping up my neck so she doesn’t press further.
“The only other option is you. He’s not stupid. He knows better than to tossyouinto the pool. Plus, you’re always telling me I need to have more fun. I bet that’s all he’s trying to do.”