Page 94 of Say My Name
“You sure?” I ask him.
He nods, and I know to trust my best friend.
“Motherfucker,” Roman says under his breath. “Why would they lie?”
“Because they’re fucking guilty,” I say, standing from my chair. “Let’s go.” I’m already moving out of the office, headed toward the door of the club. They follow closely behind. We descend the stairs and move through the club like thieves in the night until I spot Swan staring at us.
She hustles over to block my path.
“Get out of the way, Swan,” I tell her.
“Where are you going?”
I stare down at her. “It’s none of your business.”
Ledger and Roman chuckle behind me.
“Are you all off to do vigilante work?” She has both hands parked on her hips.
I step within inches of her face. “This doesn’t concern you.”
“Yes, it does concern me. If you’re trying to do what the cops should do, then it concerns me.”
“I’ll be safe.” I brush past her, but she latches onto my arm.
“Where are you going?”
Roman rolls his eyes. “Oh, my god. Tell your girlfriend where we’re going already.”
I shoot him a look and turn my attention to Swan. “We’re going to Throwdown to check something out. Not that it’s any ofyourbusiness.”
“About the prostitution ring?”
I shake my head. “Someone lied to me about something. Just going to figure out why.”
She glances up at me with worried eyes, and suddenly my heart aches for speaking to her in such a way. “Be safe,” is all she says.
We’re out the door before I can give anymore thought to why this woman is occupying space in the forefront of my mind. What is it about her that has me all twisted up in knots?
“I thought there was nothing going on with Swan and you told her about the prostitution shit going on,” Roman says once we’re all in his SUV, and he’s pulling away from the club.
“Shut up,” I mutter.
“Are you and that chick fucking?” Ledger asks, like he’s just now catching on to our conversation.
“There isnofucking. I’m not fucking her. I haven’t fucked her, nor will I fuck her.” Lies. I’m already planning when I can get my hands on her body again. I know it’s crossing a major line, and I need to stay away, but she’s just too damn tempting. There’s only so much temptation a man can handle before he’s on his knees begging a God he doesn’t believe in for mercy.
“We’re not idiots. We see the way you look at her, and now she’s staying at your place,” Roman says as he heads toward Throwdown.
“She’s staying at his place?” Ledger asks from the backseat.
“Someone slashed her tires.”
“Did it show on the security footage?” Ledger asks.
“No, I already checked. Apparently, I have some blind spots. I need to get the entire lot covered. The cameras didn’t show where her car was,” I say, shoveling a hand through my hair.
“Damn. The other girls weren’t harassed like that, right?” Roman asks.