Page 26 of His Secret Santa
“I have someplace to be.” Lincoln closed his locker. “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait. Where do you have to be?”
Lincoln walked away. “Can’t talk now. I’m late.” Not a lie, though it wasn’t the reason he wanted to get away from her. He’d never liked her ways, but her lack of a soul grew harder to take with each passing day.
• • •
“Are you seriously thinking about going?” Jamie leaned against the side of his pickup. “I mean, if you do, I’ll go with you. No way I’d let you go alone. But…”
“McKenna isn’t the most trustworthy person. Do you really think she just suddenly changed because you bought her something she wanted?”
“No,” Holden admitted. “But anyone can have one of those rare moments of humanity.”
“True. They can. Still…”
Holden sighed. “Look. I’m not so stupid as to trust her. I guess I just…” He lowered his eyes, feeling the emotional impact in his heart.
“You want it to be true.”
“Yeah.” Holden shrugged. “I know I’m stupid to even hope it might be, but I can’t help it.”
“You’re not stupid,” Jamie said. “You’ve been wanting Lincoln to see you since freshman year. Of course, you’re going to hope it’s true. And who says it isn’t? I’m just saying, think it through and proceed with caution. There’ll be booze at that party, and when people get drunk and have hate and prejudice in their hearts…” He sighed. “Bad things can happen. And I don’t want you to get hurt, in any way.”
Why are you making such a big deal about it anyway? Holden thought to himself. Even if it’s true, it's not like he’s “interested” in you… the way you are him. He isn’t gay.
Holden wanted to say that he wouldn’t go to the party and be done with it. That was the smart choice. But he couldn’t form those words and Jamie knew him well enough to know that if there was even the slightest chance Lincoln wanted him at the party, Holden would go… even if he regretted it afterward. And if Holden went, so would Jamie.
“You’ve already made up your mind, haven’t you?” Jamie sighed and smiled. “I figured.”
“I just…”
“You don’t have to explain. I get it. We’ll go and see what’s what. If things start to go sideways, we’ll bail. Simple as that.”
Holden smiled, relieved. “Thanks. You’re a great friend, you know that?”
“The best,” Jamie corrected with a grin.
Holden chuckled. “For sure.” His smile suddenly wavered when he spotted the quarterback heading for the parking lot. His pulse immediately kicked up, notch after notch. Lincoln’s new model Trans Am was parked on the far side of the lot and the quarterback headed that way—then abruptly veered in Holden and Jamie’s direction, coming straight for them.
Oh shit. Holden’s heart jumped into his throat and beat frantically until he was sure he’d faint right there. Oh God, please don’t let that happen. He’d never live it down.
Jamie turned his head and saw Lincoln coming their way. He straightened. “Is he… coming over here?”
Holden couldn’t respond—he could barely breathe and stay on his feet, much less speak.
The quarterback slowed as he drew closer, seemed to falter a bit, then came around the end of Jamie’s truck and halted a few feet away. His eyes touched Holden’s face fleetingly before darting away. “McKenna lied,” he mumbled stiffly without meeting Holden’s stare. “I didn’t invite you to my party. Don’t come.” He turned and walked away… leaving Holden’s heart in pieces.
Holden hurried around his car to the driver’s door. “I have to get home,” he whispered thickly, unable to look at Jamie for the crippling humiliation. He climbed inside and drove away before his best friend could see him cry.
• • •
Lincoln sat behind the wheel of the Trans Am long after Holden sped out of the parking lot.
You hurt him.
He’d been trying to prevent him from getting hurt and humiliated—then did it himself.