Page 4 of His Secret Santa
Holden flushed a little and looked away. “No juicy details to share, sorry.”
Always the one to help out, Jamie jumped in. “He’s had a crush on the quarterback at our school for the last two years. But the guy is straight and doesn’t know he’s alive. So, I figured maybe Santa could turn him gay and open his eyes to my buddy’s awesomeness.”
Cole frowned. “So, you two aren’t…?”
“No,” Jamie said. “We’re just best buds. I’m not a fabulous gay boy like him.”
Holden shook his head, his gaze drifting around the club. “I think fabulous is a bit much.”
“I don’t know,” Cole said. “You look pretty fabulous to me.”
“And he knows fabulous,” Carl added. “Just check out his man.” He nodded toward the stage.
Holden turned to Cole. “He’s your boyfriend?”
“More of a friends with benefits… but yeah, we shake things up.”
“Whoa,” Holden breathed, genuinely awestruck. What would it be like to be friends with that hot Santa?
“Whoa, indeed.” Cole smiled. “He’s quite the… handful.”
The bartender laughed.
“So, if he’s Santa…” Jamie quipped. “… does that make you… Mrs. Claus?”
“I guess so.” He grinned and stood. “Come on. You don’t want to miss this show, trust me.”
Carl served them their beers and Cole led them across the crowded floor and seated them at a front row table. He stepped over to the stage and motioned to Santa. The dancer sank to his heels as Cole spoke into his ear. Santa glanced at the two boys and nodded, then kissed Cole hard on the mouth, grinned, and return to his stage performance.
“Relax and have fun,” Cole told the boys. “Santa will make sure no one bothers you.”
“Thanks again,” Jamie said.
“Remember. One show, then you have to go.”
“Okay.” Holden nodded.
Jamie settled in, a huge grin on his face. “This should be good.”
“Are you sure you’re straight?” Holden smiled. “You seem awful excited to watch a hot gay man shake his booty.”
Jamie laughed. “It’s not about that—it’s about the show. Just because I don’t do guys doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a good performance and appreciate the talent behind it.”
“The talent?”
“You think it would be easy to get up there and execute a sexy routine? That takes talent, baby.”
True. Holden sure as hell couldn’t do it. “Yeah, you’re right. It does.”
“And this guy looks like he’s got talent coming out his ass.” He grinned. “No pun intended.”
Holden chuckled. He agreed; the stage Santa looked quite experienced. The bellowing crowd confirmed that assumption. Many of the customers here tonight were probably regulars and had surely seen this man perform in the past. If so, their excitement promised a great show to come.
• • •
Holden’s wildest fantasy hadn’t prepared him for the sexual explosion of the stage show. The incredibly hot Santa sent out open requests to the jacked-up audience, bringing one man after another onstage. Rather than having them sit on his lap—Santa gave each of them a mind-blowing lap dance.
Beads of sweat sprouted across Holden’s brow and trickled down his temples. Heat sparked his loins and ignited his body, stimulating every nerve ending and inciting a massive erection. He had watched gay porn, but never in his sixteen years had he witnessed such raw gay sexuality in the flesh.