Page 46 of His Secret Santa
Holden flinched and turned to see Cole, surprised the man remembered him. With Cole was the stage dancer from before, Holden couldn’t remember his name. Or maybe he never got his name from before—too much about that night overpowered lesser memories.
“Uh… yeah.”
Cole flashed a friendly smile as he thrust out his hand. “Good to see you back here in our humble abode.”
Holden nodded and shook his hand.
Cole eyed Jamie and grinned. “Jamie?”
“Yeah.” Jamie laughed and exchanged handshakes.
“You remember my husband, Gabe?” He gestured to the hot, athletic dancer.
“You’re married now?” Holden remembered they were only friends with benefits before.
“Oh yeah.” Gabe grinned and snaked an arm around Cole’s neck and kissed his head. “He tried to run, but I caught him and locked him down before he could escape again.”
Cole snorted. “Yeah. That’s how it happened.”
Holden couldn’t imagine anyone trying to run away from Gabe; the guy was hot as hell and charming as fuck. Of course, Cole was the same—so Holden understood why Gabe chased him down if that’s really what happened. He suspected otherwise from Cole’s response.
“Married? Really?” Jamie grinned. “That’s so cool.”
Holden was thankful for the momentary distraction, but his nerves continued to twist his intestines into painful knots.
“So…” Gabe winked at Holden. “Back for another birthday celebration?”
Releasing an unsteady breath, Holden nodded.
“You don’t look very excited,” Cole observed. “How come? I happen to know you have a certain sexy Santa waiting on you, willing and eager to grant every birthday and Christmas wish you can fathom. That would sure excite me.”
Under any other circumstance, it would excite Holden as well.
“It’s your eighteenth birthday,” Gabe said. “That should be excitement enough. What’s the problem, kid?”
Holden exchanged a glance with Jamie and shrugged. “I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I guess I’m just not feeling it.”
Cole smiled. “A few minutes alone with your sexy Santa and you’ll be feeling plenty.”
I don’t think so.
Jamie sobered. “He’s had a rough last few days. I was hoping coming back here would cheer him up.”
“Some rough days?” Cole asked. “What happened?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Holden whispered. “What’s done, is done. I just want my birthday over with so I can get on with my life.”
The two men looked confused. Holden didn’t enlighten them. Shit, Jamie wasn’t enlightened, not entirely.
“Well, I hope your Santa can cheer you up,” Cole said sincerely. “No one should be bummed out on such an iconic birthday.” He gestured across the crowded club. “He’s waiting for you in the VIP room. He didn’t want to use a booth this time. He wanted tonight to be very special.”
“Yeah,” Holden mumbled. Special.
“Cheer up.” Gabe squeezed his shoulder. “Whatever happened out there, stays out there. It can’t touch you in here.”
You’re wrong, Holden thought sickly. It can.
Jamie walked with him through the sea of gyrating, over-stimulated bodies to the alcove outside the VIP room. “Hey,” he said with concern. “Don’t let those assholes ruin this night for you. I know it isn’t easy to just forget about what they did, but try to put it out of your head, if only for tonight. The best revenge right now is just enjoying yourself and having the time of your life.”