Page 14 of The Demon
“Ah yes, his father.” Malik’s tone tells me he doesn’t believe a word of it and hisses, “I want his name.”
“It’s none of your business.”
“Of course, it’s my business. You are my prisoner, and I need to validate your story before I can set you free. Give me his name and I’ll check the facts. If events happened the way you said they did, you have nothing to fear. I’m not interested in sending you back to your family and I will help you with a new identity. I only need to learn where Frankie is and if I can rule out Benjamin, you are free to go.”
It sounds so simple and if my story was true, it would be. However, the last place I will reveal is where Frankie is, so I shake my head and say tightly, “I can’t. The father of my baby told me he would protect Benjamin on the condition I never reveal his identity. I’m sorry Malik, I really am but Frankie was left behind in Massimo’s mansion sleeping in his bed and if your friends burned it to the ground as you say they did, then they must live with the consequences of that.”
I turn away because I hate myself right now. I’m the most wicked person in the world, but I must play my part in this. I’ll never reveal who is helping me because if I do, my life may as well be over, anyway.
Iam angry, frustrated and devastated. As soon as Eliza told me her story, I was consumed by rage. She’s lying to me, she must be and so I wasted no time in leaving the terrace and dragging her to my master suite, where against her will I tied her to the bed.
She struggled, cursed and fought me but I was so angry it was like a fly irritating cattle and as I left her sobbing on my silk covered sheets, I stormed to my den to think this situation through.
Pouring myself a neat whiskey, I chuck it down and reach for another. In Dubai it’s rare to drink alcohol, which is why I prefer to stay away. If I need to enjoy the burn of Dutch courage, it’s there, but tonight, after what just happened, I could drain the bottle and still need more.
The flames dance in the huge fireplace that provides unnecessary heat to a room that is equipped with every convenience going and as I slump in my leather chair and stare at the flames, I ponder what I heard. She’s lying. It was obvious and yet there’s a small doubt in my mind that part of it was true. It would certainly explain why she ran from her family and wanted to remain hidden. Even I realize she would be slain on the spot if her father learned she was pregnant. Do I believe her story, no I don’t, but I must face the fact it could be true.
The pain in my heart is destroying me inside, picturing Winter and Alessandro’s expressions when I tell them the sad news. It can’t be true. Frankie must be Benjamin, but I can’t be certain.
A gentle tap on the door shakes me from my misery and I bark, “Enter.”
Ali hovers in the doorway and I snap, “What?”
He moves inside and says reverently, “What’s the problem?”
As I raise my eyes to his, he stares back at me with curious bravery, which is what I admire most about him. He has my back even when I don’t want him to, and it means a lot that he braved my anger to come and check on me. Then again, the world we live in may dictate another reason for his madness and I’ve learned never to trust a well-meaning associate, so pointing to the chair beside mine, I say gruffly, “Take a seat.”
As I pour him a shot of whiskey, I refill my glass and groan.
“Why are women so fucking manipulative?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He grins as he sips the liquid, causing me to smile briefly. Like me, Ali is a man whore and has never formed an attachment with any woman. He fucks and leaves—always, and up until now, I’m the same. Occasionally we’ve shared the same woman and sometimes a bevy of them. But tonight, something happened that surprised me more than anything and it was my own reaction to Eliza. I didn’t just want to fuck her, I wanted tokeepher, and that is something I’ve never experienced before. In fact, resisting her was also a first for me and I can’t deal with how that makes me feel.
I glance across at Ali and say darkly, “Find out everything you can about Benjamin Brown. Birth certificate, any records, or any mention.”
“Who does he work for?”
I snort. “He’s a fucking baby, remember? It shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Ali nods.
I add, “Revisit the cab company who collected Delores and Benjamin from Massimo’s mansion. Discover where they left her, how she paid, anything at all.”
He nods, looking thoughtful. “I thought we covered all that.”
“We did, but I want to know what happened when he dropped her to the house we found her in. Did he carry on with a smaller passenger and who collected him? Any information at all and Ali…”
He glances up. “Research every soldier in the Ortega family. Past present and fucking future if you must.”
He whistles. “That’s a lot of research.”
“You have two days.”
The expression in his eyes tells me he hates me right now, which causes a wry smile to break through my depression.