Page 23 of The Demon
“As I said, reserve judgment until you form an educated opinion. Mind you, it explains why I travel so much.”
She appears surprised that I cracked a smile and giggles as I tickle her a little. Teasing Eliza is now my favorite pastime and at the knock on the door, she startles and whispers, “Oh my god, we’re naked.”
“Come in.” I call out, causing her to squeal and try to hide behind me and as my flight attendant enters the room, I make no apology for the fact we are naked in bed.
She averts her eyes and places the tray on the table, and I say loudly, just to irritate Eliza.
“Please hand us two robes from the bathroom.”
Eliza pinches me hard and whispers angrily, “You fucking bastard.”
Ignoring her, I pull her from the bed in full view of my flight attendant, who blushes as red as the roses in the vase on the tray.
I take the robes from her hand and say dismissively, “That will be all.”
As she scurries from the room, Eliza faces me, her cheeks burning. “That was disgusting; the poor woman, not to mention me? What must she be thinking?”
“That we’re fucking, I expect. The whole plane knows it, so why try to disguise it?”
“But…” She appears lost for words, and I shrug. “It happens. It’s nothing they haven’t seen before.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? You do this all the time.”
“Of course.”
I nod toward the meal set up on the table. “You had better eat to regain your strength. I haven’t finished with you yet.”
“You bloody well have, you monster. If you think I’m letting you anywhere near me now, you’ve got another thing coming. You have no regard for decency at all. You consider it’s your right to fuck women and then cast them aside and reach for a new one. Even the sanctity of marriage isn’t protected because you apply the same principles to that. Well, fuck you. Why don’t you eat on your own and learn some fucking morals while you’re at it?”
I burst out laughing at the fury on her face and reaching out, pull her body roughly against mine and whisper, “Unless you want me to eat my food off your dripping wet pussy, you will sit down and eat like a lady. For your information, I was teasing you to provoke a reaction. Get used to it, I have a low boredom threshold. It amuses me to test a person’s limits, and it appears I’ve reached the end of yours. Congratulations, Eliza, you held out longer than most.”
She stares at me with astonishment and just drops into the seat as if in a trance and as I hold the finest morsel of smoked salmon and caviar to her lips, I feed her like a baby just because I can.
Ihave never met a man quite like Malik Karim. Most of the time, I vehemently hate him. He is the devil incarnate and death is too good for him. Then he redeems himself and is so attentive, sweet even and everything I want in a man. He’s definitely easy on the eye too, but his arrogance. It jumps out and envelops me. Knocks me down and suffocates me. It’s as if the world exists for his own pleasure and I’m almost positive he has no regard for anyone other than himself. That’s why his desire to find Frankie confuses me.
He tells me it’s for his fellow members of Club Mafia. Winter and Alessandro.
When I cast my mind back to my time in Massimo’s mansion, my eyes fill with tears for the small baby caught in the middle of a war. A mafia war and there is no doubt about that. The only consolation is that Frankie escaped Massimo Delauren. We all did because it sounds as if his wife did us all a favor.
I wish with all my heart I could end her misery. Tell her where Frankie is and offload the burden I’ve been carrying for well over a year now. I can’t. It’s not my secret to tell and if I do, it won’t work out well for me. This is bigger than all of us and I need to think carefully about what I let slip to Malik.
“What are you thinking?”
His sharp eyes stare deep into my soul, and I blink, realizing he is still feeding me the most amazing cuisine.
“About the mess I’m in, if you must know.”
He appears interested in that.
“I’ve told you, Eliza, I can help. Anyway, you haven’t finished your story. What happened once you got off the bus? Where did you end up?”
“Los Angeles.” I take a sip of champagne and love how the bubbles enter my bloodstream and give me false courage.
“I stepped off the bus with no idea of what the hell I was going to do next. Mind you…” I shrug. “I heard it was the land where dreams come true, so I kind of hoped I was in the right place.”