Page 11 of The Enforcer
I reach for the whiskey and pour a generous amount into a glass before chucking it down in one go and refilling it to the top.
Then I drop onto the couch and say roughly, “Come here.”
She lifts her eyes and I relish the uncertainty on her face and growl, “Now!”
I almost roll my eyes because she is seriously questioning my command and I sigh heavily. “Because nothing has changed. You are still my prisoner and I want to make your life a misery.”
“No, you don’t.” Her voice shakes, telling me she’s foolishly brave and even she knows that, and I lean back and regard her through malevolent eyes.
“And why is that, baby girl? I’m dying to hear your reply.”
As I lift the glass to my lips, my eyes flash as she says nervously, “You want to make Diana’s life a misery and I’m the closest thing to making that happen.”
I shrug. “You say I want to make her life a misery. I disagree.” I arch my brow. “Iwillmake her life a misery before I end it and it won’t be easy on her.”
“You want to kill Diana?”
She shifts a little closer, which interests me more than anything. She appears to delight in this news, which tells me Diana has even made an enemy of family. I’m not sure why that shocks me, because that woman has no heart anyway and so I nod.
“I don’twantto kill her. I will kill her, though.”
“I don’t understand.”
She reaches my side, and her expression is loaded with curiosity and I jerk my thumb to the floor.
“Excuse me.” She looks horrified and I say in a menacing voice, “I said, kneel. You are still my prisoner until I say otherwise.”
I almost think she’s going to refuse, and I get off on the fact her eyes fill with tears and her lip trembles, but she obviously realizes she has no choice and with as much dignity as she can muster, she sinks to the floor before me.
I tilt her face to mine and say roughly, “All the time that woman breathes, she is my enemy. You are the closest thing I have as an outlet for my rage, and I won’t apologize for my actions. You have the same blood running in your veins and you look so alike you are a welcome distraction. So, here’s the plan.”
Her eyes fill with unshed tears and yet the expression in them is hard to ignore because despite her situation, Flora Corlietti is fascinated by it, by me even, and this may be more enjoyable than I thought it would be.
I lower my voice to a heated whisper. “Until she’s dead, you’re her substitute. That woman has a huge debt to repay, and you have just taken that on. The quicker you help me, the shorter your stay will be. Until that happens, you take her place and I mean that in every way possible.”
The flicker of fear in her eyes turns me on because I get off on a person’s fear of me and I always have. Diana was the first woman who faced that fear and made it hers, and it will be interesting to see if her sister shares the same skill.
“I still don’t understand.”
Flora is nervous, just the gentle quiver to her lips as she speaks tells me that and, if anything, I admire her bravery. However, I am too far gone to offer her mercy, so I lean back and growl, “You will satisfy me in every way, starting with sucking my cock.”
“No!” her strong response almost amuses me, and I raise my brow and say with interest. “No?”
“You heard me, asshole. I’m not a whore.”
“Did I say you were?”
“You obviously think I am.”
Reaching out, I grab her hair and pull her face to my crotch and hiss, “You’re no fucking whore, but you are now. My whore and you will do whatever the fuck I tell you to.”
If I was expecting a fight, I’m a little disappointed when she slumps back and says in a voice, shaking with fear. “Please, I’ll help you, but I can’t do that.”