Page 20 of The Enforcer
The moon casts his body in shadows and his dark close cropped hair gleams as it catches the moon’s rays. His turbulent eyes glisten as he openly stares at my body and as they run the length of me, my face flames as my nipples peak and my desire runs its betrayal between my legs.
“I asked you a question.” He snarls, advancing slowly, making me cower in fear and I lick my drying lips and whisper, “He’s the devil who walks on earth.”
The bed dips as he sits beside me and I flinch as he reaches out, causing him to say firmly, “I’m not going to hurt you—yet, anyway. I’m going to release the cuff, and I expect you to tell me everything you know about that man and his involvement with your family.”
As he releases my wrist, I’m surprised when he gently presses his lips to the graze the cuff created. It’s a sweet gesture at the scariest moment of my life and it disarms me a little. In fact, this whole situation is confusing because we are both nearly naked. Only his pants preserve his own modesty and I’m guessing even they will soon be gone and I’m not sure how I feel about that.
I’m not a fool. I understand how these things end. He will use me, then dispose of me, either dead or broken. I have accepted my fate, but I’m curious about the man who will make it happen.
For some reason, he keeps my hand clasped in his giant one and I expect it’s preventing my escape, so I sigh and look to the floor as I prepare to tell him what he wants to know.
“He’s not really our stepbrother in the usual sense.”
His hand tightens in mine, and I shake my head in disgust. “When our grandmother died, we were orphans. Mario’s family took us in and adopted us.”
“The Bachini’s?”
Domenico appears surprised at that. I expect it’s because that family has a history of crime under their belt and ordinarily shouldn’t be gifted an animal, let alone two vulnerable girls.
“I believe he had something on the adoption officer and his wife wanted a daughter. She got two instead, and we arrived late one night with nothing but the clothes we were dressed in.”
I shiver at the memory and am surprised when a huge arm reaches across my shoulders and pulls me against a warm body that smells like death and salvation in a lethal cocktail.
“Mario was their son and even from that first meeting, I could tell he was trouble. He has a rotten soul and no compassion, and was the perfect accomplice for my sister.”
My voice breaks as I sob. “Now I had two tormenters instead of one. There was no help from Mrs. Bachini either. She was much the same and adored Diana and hated me on sight. I became the object of all their derision and life was pretty bad from then on.”
“How long?” Dom says tightly, and I shrug. “Three years. As soon as I was sixteen, everything changed.”
If Domenico’s arm wasn’t holding me up, I would be trying to escape because revisiting this nightmare isn’t something I’m keen on doing right now.
“What changed?” His low hiss tells me I’m not getting away with this and my voice is so soft I’m not even sure he can hear it.
“They put me up for auction.”
“Who did?”
“Mario and Diana.”
“What kind of auction?”
“One to sell my virginity to the highest bidder.”
Domenico tenses beside me and I say in a dead voice. “I raised a bid of ten thousand dollars from a man old enough to be my grandfather. I was taken to his house and raped repeatedly. In the morning, Mario and Diana came to collect me and as I broke down on the back seat of the car, they laughed and told me to get used to it.”
“The fucking bastards.” Dom’s growl tells me he is disgusted, which gives me a little hope at least and I nod sorrowfully.
“They weren’t kidding, either. Every weekend when his parents were out, Mario invited men to visit. I was expected to entertain them along with Diana, and Mario pocketed the money they paid him for sex with us. It was degrading, humiliating and wicked and I had no way out. I couldn’t even plead with my sister because she loved every minute of it. They both did.”
I turn to look at the man dragging my sordid secret out and note the pulse throbbing in his temple and the grim set to his jaw.
“Diana was fascinated by Mario. She idolized him. He was everything she loved, and he took full advantage of that. They had one hell of a fucked-up relationship and they tried to drag me into it several times.”
“How?” his voice is like a bullet firing from a gun and I jump at the menace in it.
“Threesomes mainly. Not with my sister, but with friends of his.”
I can’t check the tears that fall on my naked thighs. “You must be disgusted and think I’m a freak and I wouldn’t blame you.”