Page 73 of The Enforcer
I reach for the restraints holding him in place and release them before saying to Flora, “Wait for me by the door.”
She steps back, and the detective says in fear, “You promised to release me. Everybody heard it. You have to let me go.”
“I did release you.” I pull him effortlessly off the stone altar and hold my gun to his head, pressing the barrel in hard, causing him to shake, the sound of him pissing echoing around the dark and gloomy space.
I snarl. “Consider this a favor; an easy entrance into hell where they’ve prepared your room.”
Before he can register my words, I pull the trigger and as his head explodes the contents rain down on me, drenching me in satisfaction. I throw his body down in disgust and growl, “Now torch this fucking place. Let’s go home.”
Idon’t utter one word until we reach Dom’s mansion and as we enter the place, I now think of as home, Gretchen races out and stares at me in horror.
“Oh my God, Miss Corlietti, let me help you.”
Dom places his protective arm around me and says shortly, “There’s no need for that, Gretchen. Just some brandy and a hot tea will be fine.”
She scurries off with a pained look in my direction, and as the soldiers drift once more into the shadows, Dom says softly, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
I follow him to the bedroom, and he leads me straight into the bathroom where he proceeds to fill the gigantic tub and, as I sit shivering on the bench, he says gruffly, “I let you down.”
“Never!” I glare at him fiercely, and he sighs heavily. “My lack of planning and security meant the detective took you from what should have been the safest of places into a nightmare. I will never forgive myself.”
“You weren’t to know; none of us were.”
I stand and my legs shake as I head toward him and wrap my arms around his bloodied body, pressing my cheek to his beating heart.
“I love you, Domenico Ortega.”
He stiffens as I whisper, “I want to be strong for you. To be the woman you deserve and everything my sister wasn’t.”
He pulls back and tilts my face to his and the emotion in his face makes my breath hitch.
“You already are, baby girl.”
As his lips claim mine in a soft and loving kiss, I swear my toes curl. I don’t even register that another man’s blood smears across my chest as I kiss the man I love with all my heart, in a frenzied passion, keen to demonstrate just how much he means to me.
I love him.
I’ve known for a while now. It didn’t take long either. When I was locked in that room, I was more afraid for him than me, telling me that he has fast become the most important person in my life and with him beside me, I can conquer any demons that fly at me.
He whispers against my lips, “Let me care for you, Flora. Stay here with me.”
“You thought I was leaving?” I laugh softly. “You don’t get rid of me that easily, Domenico.”
I reach up and run my fingers through his hair and as the steam from the tub fills the room, I say breathlessly, “Fuck me now, Dom. Fuck me with another man’s blood on me and the words of our enemies ringing in our ears. Fuck me knowing they can’t touch us; will never touch us. We are stronger than all of them and fuck me because I love you and can’t wait another minute until you are inside me.”
With a deep growl, he lifts me hard against the tiled walls and wastes no time in pushing in deep. Slow, gently, and luxuriously perfect. He stares into my eyes the entire time as he takes it lingering and deep, my back sliding against the cool tiles, counteracting the wet heat that flows through my body. Soft, seductive, and memorable. This moment is ours and we are grabbing it with greedy hands.
I gasp as his thick cock grazes my throbbing walls and love the sense of ownership that he commands of me. We are one unit now, so deep inside one another’s souls there is no room for anyone else. Any fears, jealousies and doubts were left smoldering in the ash back in the horror house and what rose from the ashes is magical, beautiful and breath-taking.
His seed shoots deep inside me as my orgasm dances with his and my screams echo around the steam filled room, meeting his loud roar that reminds me who I am dealing with. A conqueror, an assassin and a man who loves hard and deep, and I’m the lucky lady on the receiving end of that.
We don’t have long because Dom’s business needs him and after we clean up, I slip into leggings and a sweater, my mouth watering as I watch him dress in his customary black suit that reflects his dark and dangerous personality.
As we head downstairs together, he raises my hand to his lips and whispers regretfully, “I must go to work. You will be safe. The mansion is on lockdown, and I am leaving my newest recruit to be your personal bodyguard.”