Page 8 of The Enforcer
I lean closer and can almost touch her fear as I growl, “Now where’s the fun in that?”
Then I spin on my heel and leave her chained to the chamber wall, probably wondering what the fuck she’s done to deserve this.
As I slam the door and turn the key, I notice Pasquale leaning against the wall, watching me.
“Having fun?” His amused grin makes me smile and as he falls into step beside me, I say with some satisfaction. “It’s a start.”
We take the short walk to the control room and as we push inside, my soldier Vinnie glances up with an unreadable expression. I know he will hate the fact there’s an innocent woman involved, and I growl, “That woman shares the same blood as a devil. She’s not as innocent as she looks.”
He lowers his eyes and glances back to the monitor and I say with a growl, “Turn up the volume.”
We take a seat in front of the monitor and watch with interest how our latest guests deal with their predicament.
Flora’s voice is first as she whispers, “I’m sorry.”
Eddie says nothing as I expected because he knows this beating is inevitable. His life will be spared, but it will be a painful lesson in loyalty.
Flora carries on. “That man is a fucking bastard. How dare he chain us up like dogs? He’s a fucking disgrace.”
Pasquale laughs softly beside me, and I grin, loving the anger on her pretty little face.
For a few moments there’s silence and I can tell she is fuming, and I can’t help my attention fall on her shivering body, noting the way her nipples have hardened against the cold and the gray silk does little to disguise what’s underneath. My cock is begging for release because it has always craved her sister and it appears this woman will be a welcome replacement.
Then Flora says in an urgent whisper, “Listen. I have a plan.”
Pasquale snorts beside me and I almost expect him to pull some popcorn from his jacket and sit back and watch because he is enjoying this show more than any on the tv.
“OK, this is the plan. We need to act fast because we may not have long.”
Eddie just shakes his head and groans, knowing whatever she has planned is futile, but she obviously doesn’t heed his warning because she says with some excitement, “OK, when he comes back, I’ll plead with him. Tell him anything he wants to get him to untie me. As soon as he does, I’ll take my chance and grab the gun he has inside his jacket. I’ll use it against him as a warning and chain him up in my place before setting you free. Then we will lock him in, and you can help me escape. Tell anyone we meet that you were told to throw me out and then we can both run to the cops.”
Pasquale bursts out laughing and even Vinnie joins in and I cast an amused glance at the foolish woman who doesn’t realize just who she’s dealing with.
If anything, I’m impressed by the fight in her. Most women would be screaming and crying by now, begging to be set free, but not Flora Corlietti. She is trying to figure a way out of this, and I must give her some credit for that.
“Oh man, this is priceless. I could watch this show all night.”
Pasquale is having a great time as he leans closer, waiting for the next part of the show.
“Maybe we should test her theory. Give her a chance to make good on her promise.” I say with a low laugh. The two men in the room laugh along with me and for the first time in ages, I feel a little of the pain seep away and leave a lightness inside that hasn’t been there for some time.
Iam still in shock. This is a nightmare I never expected to be involved in and I might have known it was because of her. Diana. The demon on my shoulder who just won’t go away. Even though I haven’t seen her for years, she is still affecting my life and whatever she has done to this incredibly scary man is obviously going to be paid for by my blood.
However, I’m not a Corlietti for nothing and mafia blood flows in my veins too, so I push away my fear as I have been trained to do and formulate a plan that may actually work.
The soldier chained beside me gives nothing away, and that doesn’t surprise me either. He is shit scared and I understand why. Domenico Ortega is a bully. A powerful bully at that, and I realized it as soon as I first set eyes on him. I’ve met his kind before and so I harden my heart and sharpen my anger to stand up to this bully and show him what happens when he picks on a woman who isn’t scared of him. OK, that’s a lie because that man freaking terrifies me, but I need to believe in myself, and I must remain strong to escape.
Luckily, I don’t have long to dwell on that because loud footsteps outside alert me to someone heading our way and I prepare myself for the fight of my life.
My breath catches as the door opens and I swallow hard as the man himself enters the room.
It’s as if the air changes when he enters. The oxygen dragged from it and replaced with menace, seeping through my body, choking me and suppressing life as he turns that malevolent gaze on me and strips my resolve in an instant, with a cold, hungry look of disgusted desire.
It’s obvious I affect him, probably because of Diana and I don’t even want to know what she did to cause him to hate her so much, but I can kind of guess.