Page 12 of Dark Redemption
“All right!” he shouts. “I won’t touch your fucking woman.”
My woman?Cora’s hardly my woman, but if that idea keeps her safe from this guy coming around again, he can believe whatever the fuck he wants. Guys like him make me fucking sick. I may be a player, but I would never fucking force a woman into my bed. Not against her will, and sure as fuck not if she says no.
“Allow me to take out the trash.” Grabbing the guy by the collar, Priest pulls him closer. Karma and StoneFace follow behind, the three of them moving the man toward the exit. I wait until they’re out of sight before turning to find Cora, who’s standing not too far from me, looking livid.
“I had it handled,” she snaps, her arms crossed against those big tits of hers, heaving up and down with her rapid breaths. “I didn’t need your help.”
“A simple thank you would suffice.”
“I’m not thanking you. I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can.” I’d seen it for myself when she hauled that drunk out of the bar the other night. Shit, she’d impressed me with how well she handled herself. “But you shouldn’t fucking have to.”
She looks away.
“Show me your arm.” I step forward, but she takes a step back.
“I’m fine,” she says, her voice softer now. After a moment, she uncrosses her arms and shows me where he’d manhandled her. The red imprint of his hand is seared onto her skin. My eyes narrow, but she pulls away and folds her arms over her chest again, like it’s a protective instinct. “Seriously, I’m fine. He was just an asshole. It’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
I don’t like that one bit, but it helps me understand exactly why she’s as tough as she is. Being a Sturgis local, she would have to know how to handle herself around handsy bikers. Bikers that give dudes like me a bad fucking rep.
“Are you here alone?”
“No. My friends are over at the bar, getting another round.”
That’s bullshit. Friends would’ve been here to help her. Not a single person around her stepped in to stop him until I did. No, she’s here alone.
“I want to believe you, but I think you’re lying to me.”
“Why would I lie to you?” she argues.
God, she’s stubborn. “I’ll wait until they come back.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“It is if you don’t want something like that happening again.”
“Not likely,” she snorts. “The guy was clearly drunk, looking for what he thought was an easy lay.
“Nothing is easy about you, darlin’.”
“Seriously, TK, I’m fine. Go on back to your buddies.” She gazes over my shoulder. “Looks like your fan club is missing you.”
I follow her line of sight to Candy and her friend, glaring in our direction.
“They’re not important.”
I can tell she doesn’t like that, but she says nothing more. We stand in silence, with her watching the crowd and me watching her. Normally, her hair is up in a ponytail, but today, it’s hanging loose around her shoulders. I have to admit, I like it down. It’s very pretty.
“I’m gonna go find them,” she insists, looking uncomfortable just standing there.
Knowing there’s no point in arguing, I reach my hand out in front of her. “Give me your phone.”
“What? Why?” Her nose wrinkles in adorable confusion. Spying it sticking out of her pocket, I just reach out and take it. “Hey! What are you doing? Give that back!”
“I will when I’m done,” I tell her, peering down at the lock screen.Shit.“Unlock it.”