Page 33 of Dark Redemption
Throwing on my cut, I head over to the mirror on the wall and use my fingers to straighten up my hair. Satisfied with what I can do without hair gel, I stretch out my arms like a debutante doing her ballroom spin.
“How do I look?”
“Like you’re wearing your daddy’s fucking clothes.”
“Fuck you.”
“Please tell me you’re not going to go propose to that girl just because you fucked her? I don’t have the license to do that shit anymore. You know that, right?”
“Fuck off.” But part of me kind of likes his little joke. Before, my insides would’ve shriveled right up at the mere mention of marriage. Now, with Cora, it’s just intriguing.
“Care to enlighten me on what’s going on, then? Because I have no fucking clue.”
“I’m going after her.”
He doesn’t even flinch. Fucker knows she left. He probably heard her run out of my room. “And that requires one of my nicest shirts?”
“Yes!” I whine. What’s so hard to understand?
Cora’s seen the biker side of me, but I want her to see me like this. She has to know I’m more than just a biker—I’m a man. A man who can’t seem to get enough of her.
Priest tips his head back and laughs. He laughs so hard he clutches his stomach, like I’d just said the funniest thing he’s ever heard.
“The fuck you laughing for?”
“You're chasing after a woman!” he gasps between laughs. “Judge owes me a hundred when we get back. I knew it wouldn’t take you more than a day.”
I blink, sure I didn’t hear that right. “You fuckers bet on us?”
“Hell yeah we did.”
Of course they did. I should’ve known something was up when I spotted the group of them huddled around the bikes after breakfast like a bunch of school girls. Assholes, the whole lot of them.
“I hate all of you so much.”
“Me and my hundred bucks are loving your ass right now.” His eyes shine with excitement. “Oh, and the best part is, if she dumps your ass, I double my money.”
I stalk past him, flipping him the bird on my way.
Gathering his phone and keys, Priest goes to follow me out.
“Where the fuck you think you’re going?” I snarl.
“With you.” His lips split into a wide grin as he passes me and opens the door. “Ain’t no fucking way I’m missing this show.”
“Where’s Stella?”a man asks. I recognize him instantly as the dude that had been banging her in the boss’s office a few days ago.
“She didn’t show up today,” I inform him, popping the caps off of three beer bottles and placing them on the waitress’s tray. “Again.”
The man frowns. “I was with her last night.”
“Don’t know what to tell ya. Stella hasn’t been here for two weeks, and she’s already missed three shifts. She’s not exactly reliable, if ya know what I mean.”
The biker ponders that a moment, his brow still creased, but I don’t have time to sit around and discuss the many reasons he should steer clear of Stella. Because she didn’t show up, I haven’t had a moment to breathe all night.
Looking at the clock, I sigh. It’s barely eleven, which means the bar is open for another three hours, and I still have to clean up after that. I just want to go home, crawl into bed, and forget today even happened.