Page 35 of Dark Redemption
A vein throbs in Big Dick’s temple, but both men are holding his arms down at his sides. He’s not moving.
“I’m the fucking president of the Screwballs MC, assholes,” he growls.
Looking over at Priest, TK’s brows shoot up in mock surprise. “Oh, a president. Did you know this guy was a president?”
Priest’s face stays stoic. “I did not.”
TK yanks Big Dick toward him, placing his mouth near his ear, but I can still hear him when he says, “Well, Mr. President, since you’re so important, we’ll escort you outside instead of tossing you out on your ass.”
It takes the two of them to pull Big Dick away from the bar, because he doesn’t go quietly. The guys don’t seem to be breaking a sweat, though. TK and Priest never waver, though. I can’t tell you how much amusement I’m getting as they escort him out.
For just a second, I wonder what kind of trouble this will cause for the Black Hoods. But seeing as TK and Priest don’t seem too worried, I won’t worry, either.
Taking a deep breath through my nose, I blow it out slowly through my mouth.
Even after running out on him, he had shown up for me.
He’s more than I thought he was. God, he’s so much more.
And he’s leaving in a couple of days.
Cora gapesat us when we return. I can’t tell if she’s happy to see me, or if she’s gonna kick me in the junk. Either way, I need answers, so I guess I’ll take my chances.
She opens her mouth, about to speak, but I put a finger to her lips and inform her, “You’re taking a break now.”
Her brown eyes flash with anger as she swats my hand away. “I can’t take a break because I have nobody else to work tonight. And besides, if you think you can pull this alpha male bullshit and I’ll come running like some stupid little lap dog, you don’t know me at all.”
Priest waves a hand in my direction and heads around to the far side of the bar. Cora watches him with wide eyes as he walks up and stands next to her.
“There, Priest is on it. Now take. A fucking. Break,” I repeat, each syllable laced with increasing frustration.
We compete in a stare down, until finally, Cora’s shoulders fall and she turns to Priest, handing him her bottle opener. “I’ll be back.”
Priest accepts her offering with a smug smirk.
She slips out from behind the bar and I follow, hot on her heels, all the way out the back door and into the alley.
Cora takes a few steps away from me, putting space between us. Space I don’t think I can handle. I need to know who that guy is, why he scares her, and why he’s harassing her?
And why seeing her anywhere near another man drives me fucking crazy?
I want to kiss her lips and claim her. I want to fuck her against the wall of this bar to show her that she’s fucking mine. I want to shake her until she stops glaring at me the way she is right now.
“Who the fuck is he?” I demand.
Cora folds her arms over her chest. “He’s none of your concern.”
“The fuck he isn’t. First, he follows you and your boy, scaring the shit out of you both, and now he’s come to harass you at work. Who the fuck is he?” I snarl. “Who is he to you?”
She paces in front of me, her hands fisted in frustration.
“Either you fucking tell me, or I’ll hunt that piece of shit down and find out for myself. One way or another, I’ll get my answer. You know I will.”
Cora stops her pacing and throws her arms up in the air. “Why can’t you just leave this alone? This isn’t your problem—I’mnot your problem.”
In two strides, I eliminate the distance between us. I keep moving until her back hits the brick wall. “That’s where you're wrong, Cora. You’re mine. I think we established that earlier today, before you ran out on me.”