Page 23 of Hunted Bride
Loki smiled. “It looks like you feel better about this.”
“I have someone to talk things out with. That is huge.” Polly smiled. “Plus, I think it would be fun to have another beta like me to compare notes with.”
Loki blinked. “What?”
“Dude, she carried about sixty pounds on one arm while digging for her keys with the other. That isn’t something that most betas can do. Also, her silvery hair isn’t something she was born with.”
Minoru nodded. “She has an earthy scent, but the wind as well.”
Loki snorted. “Well, not mine then.”
Minoru smiled. “Not mine either. I have my bride and am very pleased with her.”
She grinned and kicked her feet. “You are going to have to put me down now so I can head out to get Loki’s lunch.”
Minoru chuckled. “Why don’t we go to lunch at the hotel? You can see the venue and meet the managers that Aggie was speaking with.”
She looked at her floral collection. “What do I do with these?”
Loki frowned. “Put them in a vase.”
“I don’t have a vase. I have never had flowers before, dumbass.”
Minoru chuckled and set her on her feet. “We will get you vases. For now, put them in the sink of Loki’s private bathroom.”
She grinned and took her collection upstairs before filling the sink with tepid water, making sure the hole was plugged and the flower stems all settled.
She finished fussing and then met the guys for the trip to the hotel. Her phone chirped, but she didn’t recognize the number. There was a text, but she would check on it later. She headed out, determined to enjoy the rest of her day.
Chapter Five
Polly staggered into Loki’s with her arms loaded with long, flat boxes. “Help!”
There was a series of thumping footfalls, and then Loki said, “What the hell, Polly?”
“Uh. I had dinner with more of Minoru’s relatives. Are you spreading the rumour that I curse a lot?” She grunted as he lifted the boxes from her and carried them to her room.
“It isn’t a rumour if it’s true.” He chuckled. “Come on. It’s hilarious.”
“Minoru is trying to depict me as... I dunno... demure or some shit.”
Loki cackled. “He can force folks to respect you if he wants to, but they are all trying to buy your safety against him.”
“Minoru has been... firm when he deals with community and family issues. He’s famous for it. They see you as a cute little beta who has fallen into his clutches and is in danger from the big bad ogre. Giving you value through these gifts is their way of making sure he knows your worth to his community.”
“So, like a dowry?”
“Aw, that’s sweet.”
“Are you going to Jiji’s place tonight?”
“Of course. I just had to grab my stuff for the meeting tomorrow.” She grinned.
“Minoru loves that cat.”