Page 31 of Hunted Bride
“Oh, I have moved out. It’s just where I work now. The regular cook-housekeeper is settled in.”
Maura frowned. “What do you mean?”
“They are a new pack. They need privacy. Theyreallyneed privacy. I am stuck with an involuntary vow of celibacy, so it has begun to hurt physically.” She smiled. “I love Bella, but the guys are crazy.”
Aggie winced. “I can imagine. I have planned for a few couples who go cold turkey before the wedding, but I don’t think they had to put up with a mating pack when they went home.”
Polly rubbed her temples. “It’s a lot. You can nearly see the air.”
Maura frowned. “So you are staying at Minoru’s?”
“Mostly. I spend a few nights at home, packing stuff for storage.”
Maura winced. “Please, tell me that you have guards on you at all times.”
“Uh... yes?” Polly muttered.
“Oh, fuck. Do you know how badly your sister’s pack is looking for you? They have a bounty on your head. Well, your body. Untouched.” Maura frowned. “Fuck.”
Polly sipped at her coffee. “Well, that explains the escalation in texts.”
Aggie blinked. “Wait, you genuinely have someone after you?”
“Yeah. I think I told you about my sister’s pack.”
Aggie blinked and started to send out a blanket email. “I need to notify the vendors that no one is to answer any questions regarding the bride and groom. Public notices of the wedding are going to be listed in the paper soon.”
“Oh. I am sorry to make extra work for you.” Polly sighed.
“It’s fine. When does Minoru get back?”
“Uh, he got back last night.”
Maura looked at her. “He knows you were not at Loki’s, right?”
“Um, no.”
“Fuck. Polly!” Maura scowled. “Phone. Now!”
She pulled out her phone and sent a text to Minoru.Moved out of Loki’s. Too many people fucking. Staying at my apartment and packing things in the evenings.
She showed Maura, and her friend and hired guard nodded. “Good. Now we wait to find out what his response is.”
Polly watched her phone like it was about to turn into a snake.
When it rang, there was a request for a phone call. Polly whimpered and pressed the answer button.
“Jiji is pissed, Polly.” Minoru’s growl came through the phone.
“Is that a way to deflect how much you want to strangle me right now?”
He growled low and then quietly said, “Yes, and Jiji is upset. Now, does Loki know?”
“Oh, god, no. I didn’t want to mess with their pack bonding.”
“So, you have just been sneaking there in the mornings?”
“Yes, I got him a full-time cook-housekeeper. Devi is great and can keep on top of the laundry and meal times.”