Page 48 of Hunted Bride
Polly shrugged and headed for the door. “Practice.”
Bella walked behind her. “Can you teach me?”
“Sure. Kimono boot camp.”
Polly walked down the path and toward the lake. Bella caught up with her, and she smiled. “So, what are you doing on Saturday evening?”
“I don’t know. My life is rather unplanned lately.”
“Well, Aggie wanted to organize a ladies’ night.”
“I can’t drink.”
Bella grinned. “Congratulations, but we have an option that can still be fun for you. How are you at karaoke?”
“I sound like I am gargling gravel, but I like it.”
“Excellent. We have proper hen night outfits arranged. We’ll pick you up here, and you don’t have to do anything.” Bella smiled. “Loki is paying for the limo and our evening as part of his gift to you. Our pack is going to provide you with payment for our thoughtlessness.”
Polly shrugged. “It worked out.”
“It shouldn’t have been necessary. I didn’t realize I could have that effect on you.”
“Neither did I until the brain fog kicked in. At that point, I acted on instinct. I had to be able to work at any cost.”
Bella chuckled. “I am the same, usually.”
“Alphas are distracting. You have alphas and an omega. It must be confusing at times.”
“It can be, but I feel wanted for the first time in my life. Bed is hot, but it isn’t a lonely place.”
Polly hugged Bella. “I am so glad for you.”
Bella asked her honestly, “Is one alpha enough for you?”
“Yes. Minoru is all I need. It will be lonely when he isn’t here, but I am sure I can adapt to being alone when he travels.”
“Because of your job?”
“Because of the pregnancy. I can’t fly once I get to my seventh month.”
Bella blinked. “Oh, right.”
Polly sighed and looked at the night sky. By Saturday she would know if she was pregnant and how many of the little blobs had survived.
“I really hate these damn exams.” She turned her head against Minoru’s side as the probe slid in.
The new facility was pretty and high security. They would take her from pregnancy to old age at this facility. All of the staff was bonded, and cameras were everywhere there were communication terminals or phones. The only private places were the exam rooms.
Polly closed her eyes until Minoru whispered, “Polly, look.”
She opened her eyes, and while the tech was digging around in her, she was showing the three little orbs that had attached. “Three?”
The tech nodded. “Three. The doctor will be with you in a moment.”
He got up and handed them the small square of paper with the image of the three little blobs. Minoru held the picture where she could see it.
Polly got her legs together and pulled her kimono back into place. She looked at the picture and smiled. “Look what you did.”