Page 61 of Hunted Bride
“You shouldn’t. I shouldn’t be in your thoughts while you are with him. Heck, I shouldn’t be in them at all.”
Polly leaned forward and told her about the triplets. Olly grinned. “Do you need a nanny?”
Polly laughed. “Not quite yet, but I will keep you in mind.”
“I guess I have to hang around.”
Polly squealed and hugged Olly again. It was the best day ever.
The rest of the night was like any other wedding, with alphas circling betas, trying to figure out which one had their mark. The betas just ignored them, which the alphas were also not used to.
Polly sat with Minoru and couldn’t stop smiling. “Thank you for today. It was strangely fun.”
He kissed her cheek. “Did it help you feel settled?”
“I think so. I am a little worried about Gerald sniffing Maura though.” She watched from across the room.
Minoru chuckled. “He finally figured it out. I didn’t tell them which woman had which mark. I am interested in what happens next.”
Olly’s hood left a portion of her back exposed, and when the alphas looked at the bit of pattern, they recoiled.
“What’s wrong with Olly?” She was getting offended by the rejection.
“Her alpha isn’t here. I didn’t invite him.”
She frowned. “But you know who he is.”
“Oh, yes.” He held a canapé to her lips. “Eat up. You are too thin.”
She opened her mouth and watched her sister and her new friends ignoring the alphas and getting up to go for a walk in the garden. Liirel was very proud of the cherry trees that she had been encouraging over the last month. She got the plants to bloom in the last few days.
The buffet had been set up, and many folks who had attended the early ceremonies came back for the party.
Staff brought food to the couple, and they ate, feeding each other. Polly looked around at the folks laughing and having a good time.
There were a few omegas and their packs holding court at their tables, including Olivia and Ford. Rick was sitting with them and cuddling Bella on his lap.
Ulric was talking with a blonde woman with a giant blond alpha and two more that were all built like bears.
Polly smiled as folks were laughing and having a nice time. Olly had said something that stunned Maura and then laughed. Olly got up from the ladies’ table and was still grinning as Maura checked her phone, looked at Olly, and then went to show the others what she had found.
Olly went to sit near the happy couple.
“Olly, what is Maura freaking out about?”
“Oh, she asked what I did for a living.” Olly took the green beans from Polly’s plate one by one and ate them.
Polly blushed when Minoru looked at the small gesture. “So, this is why you have been trying to coax Jiji into eating green beans.”
Olly chuckled and kept snitching the green beans. “She never liked them.”
Minoru snickered and asked, “What did you do as an occupation?”
“MMA fighter.”
Polly’s jaw dropped. “How?”
“The bell rings, you start swinging, and you get paid. Rinse and repeat.”