Page 27 of Fire and Flames
“No, sir,” I say, holding back a grin. “I’ll take my shower.”
He kisses my forehead gently and runs his large palm over my bare ass. “Good girl.”
And with that one simple phrase, I’m wet again, my clit is throbbing, and my heart has taken off, full speed ahead.
Chapter Twelve
My entire body crackles and burns with unspent energy. I need her against me again or I’m going to go insane. This time, without the barking demands of Saint. Don’t get me wrong, something about him watching, observing, ordering me to touch the woman I know he’s hard as fuck for, gets me off, but I want her to myself. I want to watch her sweet face as she gets off.
“Sorry about that,” Lucy says, stepping back into the shower. She’s completely naked, and so fucking beautiful.
“Don’t be sorry,” I say, leading her into the shower. “Everything okay? You’re not hurt from earlier, are you? That was a surprise for both of us.”
She grins and shakes her head, tilting her head back under the running water to wet her hair. When she moves, her breasts lift slightly and the soft ripple of her skin echoes.
Fuck. I should look away and keep us both safe from whatever my cock is planning, but it’s impossible.
“I’m fine.” She squeezes a dollop of shampoo into her hand and massages it against her palm. “I was just working out some things with Saint.”
I nod, and don’t press the issue. If she wants to tell me, she will. Besides, I already know what it’s about. I’m sure she was put off by the fact that he’s holding off on having sex with her. Trouble is, I’m not sure I’d even know how to console her. He’s never been like this before. We’ve shared women in the past and we’ve both had our fun. This was different, almost like he doesn’t believe he’s good enough, which isn’t Saint’s modus operandi at all.
“Where’d Luca go?”
“He got a call from the home team he needed to take, so he just rinsed off quick, and headed back to his room. I’m sure he’ll be back as soon as he can.”
She nods and moves closer to me without thought, leaning against my chest like she’s been there a thousand times before, like she belongs here. “What do you think about this billionaire thing? Do you think he’s that bad?”
Holding her against my chest, I kiss the top of her head. “If anything, he’s been nice about how he’s handled this. I don’t know him personally, but his legend precedes him.”
“Maybe it’s all just garbage. Maybe the guy is down to earth, and he’ll understand if I tell him that I was getting a safe deposit box for another mafia situation.” She laughs when she talks, as though this whole situation is surreal.
“You shouldn’t be worried about that, anyway. You should be focused on getting better. The more you’re stressing about other things, the less you’re healing. When I was very little, my family and I used to sit around an old TV and watch reruns of this American show calledLeave it to Beaver. It was simple, in black and white, and there was no plot, but after a long day of fishing, it was ‘healing time’ as my mom would call it. We’d all relax together and let our minds rest.”
“I never understood why they played American TV in foreign countries. How did you understand what was happening?”
“That’s how I learned English, from American TV shows.Leave it to Beaver, Friends, Alf. You name it, I’ve probably seen it. When I went to live with Saint’s family, they were in the middle of theSimpsons, so I watched a lot of episodes of that.”
“It’s hard to imagine Saint watching TV. He doesn’t seem like the type.”
“He was younger then. I’m not sure I’ve seen him watch much of anything but weather since we got to Miami.” I pause for a moment as I wash. “I was surprised to hear you were down for all of us earlier.”
“I hope it wasn’t too much. It’s kind of surreal for me too. I mean, I knew I felt a connection with you and Saint right away, but Luca surprised me.”
“He’s a nice guy, just a nerd. A smart, extremely talented nerd. We couldn’t do what we do without him.”
“I love how close you guys are. It’s like you all have this brotherhood. I had that for a while with Everleigh, but I know even if I live, she’s moved on with Viktor and his gang. She’s got a three-way thing going on over there too.”
I nod. “This wouldn’t work if we didn’t have a brotherhood. We have to be able to trust our lives to one another. I love these men. And you,” I say, kissing her forehead again, “are not going to die. You are going to stay right here, with the three of us until you can’t stand us anymore. Even then, I think Saint would probably chain you up until you liked us again.”
She laughs. “It’s scary… to believe that this doctor can help. What if I go through with all this and I get the same answer?”
I suck in a deep breath and let it out slowly, pumping a bit of soap into my hand before washing it over her skin, massaging it into her shoulders, hoping to relax her. “I’ve known Saint for most of my life. He doesn’t make promises he can’t keep, and he doesn’t go barking up trees he can’t cut down. You have to believe this can get better. That’s half the battle.”
She washes off the bit of soap I’ve spread on her skin and turns back toward me, crushing a kiss into my lips so rough that I know she’s trying to forget again. I didn’t see it at first, but now it’s clear. Sex helps her cope. Sex makes it easier to forget what’s going on. Sex is the one thing that feels good, despite the emotional pain she’s feeling inside.
My cock doesn’t know any of that nuance. It’s only reacting to her wet body as it presses against her stomach.