Page 33 of Fire and Flames
“I was just thinking…” I begin, running my hands back through my hair. “What’s going on with this Lucy thing? Are we all thinking the same thing?”
Saint straightens and walks toward his coffee that’s sat on the edge of the counter by the sink. “What thing are you thinking?”
“I know what you’re saying.” Dante grabs a plain cake donut from the box and takes a bite. “I’ve been thinking about it for the last few days. You’re wondering how we share her.”
“This is a conversation for another time. She just woke up,” Saint grumbles, working the coffee back. “Dante and I have shared before. It’ll work out.”
“We shared women sexually,” Dante adds, “foronenight. I don’t know about you all, but I want more than that with Lucy.”
“Same,” I say. “I was thinking we make up some kind of schedule. Like you get her Mondays, I get her Tuesdays, and Saint gets her—”
“Wednesday through Sunday,” Saint says with a laugh. “Works for me.”
“Yeah, not unless I get her Monday through Saturday,” I joke.
Dante rolls his eyes and takes another bite of his donut. “You know she’s going to bite your heads off for talking like this. Why do we have to share her like that, anyway? Why can’t we all be a family? We all love her, we all want to protect her, we can all sleep together in the same bed.”
“No,” Saint shakes his head. “Just no. It’s hard enough sharing her. I’m not sharing my bed with—”
“You’re all sharing me now?” Lucy says, laughing as the nurse rolls her back into the space. “Imaging only takes a few minutes, especially when you roll in with three mobsters. I think I could get used to this royal treatment.”
“Doctor Moran says you all are free to go. He’ll update you on the imaging results as soon as we get them in, but he’s not expecting any big changes from the last ones.”
Lucy nods and grins ear to ear. “So, tell me more about this whole sharing thing. I like the fighting over me. It’s hot.”
Saint grumbles. “We’re not sharing you like some day of the week calendar.”
“Oh, come on, Wolfie. You’ll get your turn.”
Saint stalks toward Lucy and places his hand on her throat gently as he leans into her. “I’m not spending a day without you. End of story.”
“Here’s where pre-school would’ve come in handy,” she laughs.
“Get dressed,” he says, stalking out the door. “I need you in my arms and back at home.”
“What about the British guy? In case you’ve forgotten, we’ve all been pissing ourselves about him all week.”
“He’s good for right now. We’ll deal with him later.”
Lucy shakes her head. “No, I want to deal with him now. I want this over with. I want to know when I step back into the mansion, I’m there with nothing hanging over my head.”
“Don’t be stupid. The only reason the doctor’s letting you leave is because he knows I’m taking you home to rest.”
“And that rest will be that much more restful, when I know the Brit thing has been solved.”
Saint sighs. “Maybe I should have that man put you back in a coma. At least then, you were doing as you were told.”
Lucy laughs, her voice still hoarse. “If the only time you can get a woman to listen is when she’s asleep, then it sounds like you’re the problem.”
“Maybe you forgot about our deal,” he snarls, stalking back toward her. “You do as your told, and I protect you.”
“Was that our deal? I thought it was that I do as I’m told, and you give me dick. I don’t see any dick yet.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Saint says, holding back a grin. I think he likes bantering with her like this. It seems to get him off somehow, though I can’t figure why. Then again, I get off on talk about droids and light sabers, so I guess I won’t judge.
“Seriously,” Lucy says, sitting up straighter, “we can stop at the port on our way back to your mansion. He must know where that is, right? We can have a meeting and work everything out. I’ll tell him what I know, and he can see firsthand that I’m much too beautiful to have stolen anything.” She grins. “Plan?”
“The Brit does want a meeting with her,” Dante adds, his voice cracking as he speaks as though he knows he’s overstepping.