Page 15 of The Secret Plan (The Game 10)
“Who says you have to?” he retorted. “From what Corey’s told me, Kit’s more interested in seeing Tops together. He kept talkin’ about you and me last time they met up.”
“If you’re volunteerin’ your ass, I might reconsider.”
He barked out a gruff laugh that made me grin.
“What else did Corey tell you?” ’Cause that was a more important question. So far, Kit had only danced around the subject with Luke and me—and a single question wasn’t enough to raise suspicion. It was when we gathered them all that we saw something was on his mind. Like, what kind of Daddy did Luke and I believe Sloan was? Was any part of Macklin on the Little spectrum? What kinds of subs did Tate like to top when his inner switch wanted to be dominant? Were Cam and Lucian monogamous? Was Macklin good at being dominant?
“Not a whole lot,” Greer replied. “Sloan isn’t interested in being with anyone outside our family right now, but he gives Corey his full support to pursue playtime with others as long as I’m there—so it’s me the boy comes to. Whenever he’s got a fantasy about another member in the community, he brings all his questions to me. And most recently, it’s been Kit.”
I reckoned that made sense. Other than Corey having a higher threshold for pain, they were similar as Littles.
“You know, if it stayed there, I wouldn’t mind one fuckin’ bit.” I swallowed against the dryness in my throat and sidestepped a pile of frozen dog shit in the middle of the path. Real nice. “Hell, I can easily picture havin’ you and Corey over for dinner and then we let them play together.”
That was part of why I knew I was worrying for nothing, because Kit had only inquired about people I trusted completely. Like Tate and Macklin. If Kit wanted to explore something casual with them, I’d be fine with that. I’d reap some rewards too, hopefully by being able to whip the fuck out of Mack’s ass or just watch Tate seduce Kit.
Greer furrowed his brow. “So where do you draw the line personally?”
That one was easy. “I don’t wanna play with other Littles. That ain’t a hat I can don for just anybody. But that’s me. I wouldn’t mind seein’ Luke with, say, Corey. For one of those playdate scenarios. Call me weird, but…” I trailed off and frowned to myself.
It was getting increasingly difficult to keep up a conversation when my breathing turned more and more labored. And we hadn’t completed half our run yet, if we were planning on circling the park a couple times and then running back home.
At least I wasn’t freezing. Blood was pumping; sweat was running.
“You’re not weird, Colt. Well, not for that reason anyway.”
I chuckled.
“It’s interesting you have other limits for Lucas,” he pointed out.
Was it, though?
“He’s a Daddy through and through,” I replied. “Just like my personality screams Sadist. I can be a Sadist for anyone offerin’ up their ass. Bein’ a Daddy—and bein’ intimate with a Little—is private to me. That’s why—” I had to pause to get air into my lungs. Goddamn. It was way too soon to start panting. “I mean, you and me at the photo shoot. Kit and Luke weren’t the only ones who enjoyed us makin’ out. But I wasn’t your Daddy. You weren’t in a vulnerable state of mind. I didn’t have to worry about your boundaries.”
“That’s true,” he conceded. “I get that. I can relate to an extent.”
Of course. We all had sides to ourselves we only shared with a select few.
Spotting one of those gazebo-type pop-up cafés up ahead, I suggested we go there to buy water. I was fucking parched.
“All right, so where are your limits for Kit?” he pressed.
That was the question, wasn’t it?
“Strictly speakin’ of my personal comfort?”
He nodded.
“Well…” I blew out a heavy breath, jogging past a woman with a stroller. “I guess I kinda apply the same rules to him that I do to myself. If he wanted to play with other Littles, that’s fine. Just like I imagine him thinkin’ it’s fine that Luke and I play with other Tops. But if he wanted to get intimate with a Dom outside our triad…? Damn. I don’t know. It depends who.”
I shot him a bitchy look. He was pushing hard now, goddammit.
He merely smiled.
Then he chuckled. “Come on, Colt. You can’t honestly say you’d be worried. I’m not tryin’a be a dick—”
“No, that comes naturally.”
“Ha! Fine. I’ll knock it off.”
Fucker. We ran the last stretch in silence, and I patted my pockets, only to remember I’d stuck a ten-dollar bill down my left sock. They better accept cash at this place.
Six or seven tables were scattered outside the café, all filled with families enjoying a hot beverage in the freezing weather.