Page 33 of The Secret Plan (The Game 10)
The Littles in the house knew what that meant, and they gasped in delight.
“I’ll go with you, Owner,” Archie said.
I’d done my part. I’d filled the coffee table with snacks, sweets, and fixings to turn the coffee Irish. I’d also placed more chairs and an ottoman around the table. So I brought a new drink to the couch and squeezed in between Macklin and Reese.
At the same time, Shay came down the stairs after changing into sweatpants and a tee, and I could admit I was a little envious. I loved comfy clothes. But Luke would have my head…
“Come cuddle with Daddy.” Reese extended a hand.
Since Kit, Corey, and Noa were busy whispering shenanigans to one another in the corner, I had to use Macklin instead.
I draped an arm around him and sipped from my whiskey. “How are ya, boy?”
He grinned at me. “I’m good, Sir. Are you lit?”
“I’m happy,” I corrected. Very happy, in fact. People were having fun. Lucian and Cam were upstairs, and one of them was surely buried in the other. Franklin and Jack shared a spot on the couch and looked lost in their own little bubble. My man was loving the role of party host.
As Shay crawled up on Reese’s lap, finding an angle that didn’t hurt his bruised ass, River planted himself on the floor between his brother’s legs, and soon Shay’s fingers found River’s hair.
Hell, it wasn’t until now I noticed someone had dimmed the lighting. Must’ve been Luke. I did know he’d lit a bunch of extra candles—and thankfully opened the patio door a sliver.
I removed my tie, noticing several others had done so already. Except for Jack and Franklin, who seemed perfectly comfortable in their suits.
“Luke!” I called. I could hear him chucklin’ away in the kitchen with Sloan.
Tate came out from there with a cup of coffee and a smirk. “He and Sloan are busy flirting, Sir.”
Perfect. “Then he won’t mind I get a little comfortable.” I unbuttoned my pants and the top two buttons on my shirt.
“Daddy Lucas!” Kit yelled. “Remember you gots to kiss Tops where we can see.”
“Jesus Christ, are we still on that?” Reese chuckled. “Shay’s fucking obsessed with seeing Daddies and Sadists kiss.”
“Because it’s fucking hot,” Shay replied bluntly.
“Amen!” Kit and Corey chimed in.
I shook my head and finished my whiskey in one swallow. Then I sat back a little lower and let the alcohol sweep through me like a warm wave.
Macklin did the opposite. He sat up straighter and rested his arm along the back of the couch.
“Is there anything I can do for you, Sir?” he asked quietly.
Loaded question. I adjusted my cock and reckoned we had about ten, fifteen minutes until Santa Greer arrived with his slave helper.
“You can lure Kit over here and pour me another whiskey.”
“You can pour me one too, pet,” Reese said. “Then you can give Shay a kiss.”
“Absolutely, Sir.” Mack made quick work of our drinks, and since the boy didn’t possess a shred of shyness, he didn’t hesitate with the next part. He leaned over me and covered Shay’s mouth with his own. All while he slipped a hand between two buttons on my shirt, his fingers teasing my skin.
Yup, that worked, seeing two subbies make out.
I took a sip of my drink and shifted Mack’s hand down to my cock to ease some of the pressure building up.
“Yeah, okay, got to go, see you later,” I heard Kit say in a rush.
I grinned. In a split-second decision, I decided to give him what he wanted. Right before Kit reached us, I leaned toward Reese and kissed him. A languid, tongue-teasing kiss that was enough to make Kit gasp and whisper, “Oh my goodness.”
“Always nice to be drunk with you.” Reese nipped at my bottom lip, then deepened the kiss.
I pushed my tongue against his, tasting the whiskey between us, and I vaguely registered Shay sliding off his Daddy’s lap to join River on the floor. Which set Mack in motion in a new direction. Kit didn’t have to ask to join us; Mack pulled the boy down on my lap.
“I’ve been patient all night,” Mack murmured.
The way Kit trembled turned me on beyond belief.
By the time Reese and I broke away from each other, Mack was owning Kit in a deep, passionate kiss.
I drew a ragged breath and nodded in thanks as Reese took my glass from me. Fucking hell, they were stunning together. Mack’s sweet assertiveness against Kit’s urgent curiosities.
“I hate to be a cockblocker,” Kingsley said, “but Santa’s here now.”
“Santa,” Kit breathed. “I wanna see Santa, Daddy.”
“You will. And I’m keeping both’a y’all right here.” I straightened in my seat so I could squeeze both Mack and Kit to me. Needing a taste for myself too, I gripped the back of Mack’s neck and angled him my way. Then I took a hard, hungry kiss from him, tasting rum and sugar cookies on his tongue.