Page 57 of Apex Predator (The Game 11)
“You smell good. That’s something,” Shay offered.
I mustered a weak chuckle. I’d brushed my teeth twice and showered till my skin was red. Bad enough I felt the hangover. No need to advertise it.
“Did they really check in on you all night?” Lane wondered.
“Every other hour,” I yawned.
“They stayed with you a while too,” Shay added.
Lane hummed. “I don’t think I have any friends who would do that.”
I made a face, eyes remaining closed. “Don’t make me feel bad for being annoyed with them. They’re about to ruin my vacation.”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s what they’re doing, babe.” Not even my boyfriend was on my side. Fucking wonderful. “They’re nipping something in the rosebush. I’d say bud, but let’s face it, it’s been four years.”
Shay laughed softly. “Did you know Macklin went on a cruise—literally left the country—last time Walker visited Mclean?”
I cracked my eyes open and glared at him, weak as it was.
“Yes, that’s… Damn.” Lane shook his head. Then he stopped scratching my scalp and gathered my hand in both his. “This will be good, Mack. I hear you guys have some event to take photos for too. Maybe you can do that today?”
Right. The picture-perfect theme for our next Game. We had one of those events every month, and I’d been hoping Lane would join me for this one. Too bad I’d done a horrible job of convincing him to become a member of our community.
“I’m only joining if you will,” I said.
He rolled his eyes. “You’re a stubborn fool.”
“Says the guy who refuses to be part of his boyfriend’s kink community. I’m hurt. I’m hurt. Right here.” I patted my heart.
He grinned a little at me. “At least we’re out. I woke up to a text from Corey. He and Kit have been talking all morning.”
Zero. Surprise. There.
“What did he say?” I asked.
Rather than telling me, he brought out his phone and showed me.
I have to hear it from Kit?!?!?!
You’re in Florida with Macklin!
You’re dating, aren’t you? ADMIT IT, DUMMY.
I laughed under my breath, squinting as I reread each one. I didn’t know what the last one was about, though.
“What about Ty?” I winced as my headache flared up. No screentime for me. “You haven’t responded to him.”
Lane waved that off and pocketed his phone. “He, uh, mentioned fixing me up or whatever… Ty’s name came up. I’ll talk to Corey when he’s less smug. And less pissy. He’ll be upset I didn’t tell him about you sooner.”
Shay sat forward a bit, his gaze trained on the patio doors, so I looked that way just as Reese opened them and stepped inside. He was followed by River and Ty.
“Just to be clear, you’re only putting Macklin through hell, right?” Shay prodded. “I still want my vacation, Daddy.”
Thanks for the support, punk.
“I’ll make sure you have a nice umbrella drink wherever you end up.” Reese smirked and folded his arms over his chest. “Now…” He cleared his throat and eyed Lane and me. I braced myself for the worst. “We’re gonna take a little trip today—out to one of the islands.”
Lane smiled. “Where no one can hear us scream?”
Ty looked at Lane with a dopey smirk, as if he’d found the one. It was cute. They were a great match; I couldn’t lie. Their kinks lined up perfectly.
“That’s the exact address.” Reese nodded once, all business. “Here’s the thing. We’re makin’ some changes, and it’s up to Macklin how long those changes will remain in effect.”
I stared right at him, knowing I had both Shay and Lane watching me expectantly.
“Actually, it’s up to Lane too,” Ty said. “I’d like for him to join the Mclean community.”
I barked out a laugh in triumph—only to groan in agony when the headache executed its revenge. Holy fuck, that hurt.
Lane was taken aback.
Reese grinned. “That’s excellent. Okay, it’s up to Lane too.”
River took a step forward. “Y’all can go pack an overnight bag with the following items—spare shorts and tees, sunscreen, and a towel. We will make sure you’re equipped with bug repellent, first aid, blankets, a knife, water, and food.”
What the fresh fuck.
“What are you up to?” I demanded. “I’m here to become a lobster in the sun, not reenact Lost or Survivor.”
“Plenty of sun out on the islands too,” Ty drawled.
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Thanks for the weather forecast, new guy.”
The fucker merely smiled.
Reese did not. “I’m countin’ your infractions, boy. Just a heads-up. Disrespectin’ our host is a big one.”
Fuck my life, I was done. I swallowed hard, struck with guilt, but my fear of seeing Walker again… Nothing could compare.
“What’re you waitin’ for?” River frowned. “Go pack your bags—and give yourselves a thorough cleanin’ while you’re at it. We leave in half an hour.”
I wanted to cry.