Page 72 of Apex Predator (The Game 11)
He shifted his gaze up the beach, toward the others. We were approximately forty or so feet away by now. “As for the scenes tonight. Lane is into rape play.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He glanced at me quickly and opened his mouth to respond, but then he closed it again and seemed to change direction. “Do you automatically call Tops Sir in your community?”
Oh—maybe he didn’t want that. Not all did. “Pretty much. It’s hardly mandatory, though. If you’re not comfortable—”
“It’s fine,” he replied. He definitely had a lot on his mind, and judging by how he kept looking toward where Lane was standing, it was difficult not to suspect it was about him. “Uh, right—rape play scene. I’ll need your help, if you don’t mind.”
“Shoot.” In the presence of an experienced Top, I wasn’t as nervous about consensual non-con. Otherwise, it wasn’t a responsibility I enjoyed having on my shoulders. I was wired to overanalyze every protest, leading to my reminding the bottom of the safeword too much. And that just ruined the fun for everyone involved.
“You’ll have to help me hold him down,” he said. “The others will be there too. Reese is holding the camera. Standard safewords apply, and if Lane’s mouth is full, we gotta make sure at least one hand is free so he can pinch us three times. That’s his preference, and if that’s what he’s used to, I don’t wanna make any changes.”
I nodded in understanding, making a mental note to keep one part of me within reach for that pinching too.
“Havin’ seen him in action with reptiles, I trust he’s not exaggerating about a high threshold for pain…?”
“Ah, no,” I chuckled. “And just so you know, he was modest at the dinner last night before you guys took off.” I felt that I had to make this clear. “I’m not sure he’s too much of a pain slut—as in, he takes pleasure from pain—but it fuels him. Pain gives him one hell of an adrenaline rush, and that’s what he’s constantly chasing. He’s a big-time masochist for primal play and CNC. Probably bordering on dub-con at times too.”
I respected that there were kinksters who were into dub-con. River, Reese, and Shay loved it. So did KC and Noa, to an extent. But it wasn’t for me, and it was nothing I could recommend to anyone who hadn’t been around kink for a longer period of time. Lane had, though. And by the interested look on Ty’s face, he’d met his match.
“You’ve involved some pain already, haven’t you?” I asked. I mean, they were both scratched up from last night.
He grinned a little and rubbed a hand over his mouth. “Not really. We’ve been absurdly sweet on each other.”
Yeah, okay. If those were their sweet vanilla bruises, I was gonna need a stiff drink before I took part in any kinky pain play between those two.
“Sweet on or sweet to? There’s a difference, Sir.”
“Don’t I fuckin’ know it,” he laughed with a shake of his head. “He’s somethin’ else, that boy.”
Don’t I fuckin’ know it, to quote him.
Shay had nothing to worry about. Ty’s talk with me eventually changed direction, and we went from discussing Lane to discussing Shay. I was on board with helping everyone get their play on, as I suspected they were with me.
In short, the Tops were turning us bottoms against one another—in a way. Shay was the exception in the beginning, and we’d get there soon. Very soon. Shay was first up, and he had no idea.
I would be last. That was all I knew about my scene.
When I took my spot between Lane and Shay in front of the fire again, it was almost completely dark, and Reese was playing on his phone while the others talked.
I scratched my neck and felt my subbie brain kick-start. Or maybe my inner prey was more correct. The one that analyzed everything to get a clue. And the phone meant something. There wasn’t a chance in hell he could have any contact with the outside world this far away from civilization.
So it was about the equipment they’d supposedly thrown into the jungle earlier, right?
Reese was a geek for light and sound. He’d invested in a lot of gear for our community over the years, from state-of-the-art speakers and surround sound systems to spotlights and smoke machines and whatnot.
All that included equipment that could handle mud, water, and extreme temperatures.
Glow sticks, flares, drones, trackers… Reese knew it all.
River nudged Reese slightly, and the two exchanged a quick glance before Reese looked my way. He chuckled under his breath and told his brother, “It’s just Macklin.”
That, however, gave them the attention of Shay and Lane too. But not Walker and Ty, who were really getting along well. Still troubling, to be honest. Ty hadn’t been as talkative last night when Colt, who he worked with and had known for years, had been there.