Page 80 of Apex Predator (The Game 11)
“I need the words,” I rasped.
Oh God.
Sensation overload. One thick, soft, wet tentacle slid around my neck, the tip teasing the corner of my mouth as Master teased his tongue along my own. The FleshJack disappeared too, taking up too much space if I wanted Master so close. And fuck, did I. Close wasn’t close enough. Instead, several tentacles circled my cock and began milking it.
Icing on the cake was Master’s whisper.
“The monster loves you, Macklin.” He left a soft, warm trail of kisses along my jaw. “He loves you so much.”
I exhaled all the tension, all the remaining bad energy, and clung to him. “I love my monster. More than anything.”
He rumbled a low sound of pleasure, and he picked up the pace and fucked me brutally. I was already halfway gone. Zero control, zero walls up. A white-hot rush washed over me, intensifying the pain and euphoria, catapulting me over the edge. I heard a loud, desperate sound and realized it was coming from me. The orgasm was so goddamn strong, and Master’s tentacles kept stroking me till the very last drop.
I didn’t even notice if he’d come, but he must’ve since he slowed down soon enough. The tentacles retreated back into the depths, but Master stayed with me. Inside me. On top of me.
I took a deep breath, utterly listless.
Head completely blank.
He carefully removed the bag over my eyes, and I blinked drowsily. Then he threw it up the beach before peering down at me with a warm little smile.
I loved him so fucking much.
A storm surge of emotions welled up and threatened to overtake me. Years of suppressing my grief and how much I loved and missed him…
We were alone now, and I was thankful. I didn’t look to where the others had gone. I didn’t care.
“You have to be my Master again,” I croaked.
His eyes filled with sympathy and a little amusement. “I never stopped.” He withdrew his cock from me slowly, but I still winced. After riding so many endorphins, I was bound to get smacked by the pain I hadn’t registered during the scenes. “Let’s wash off a bit.”
Could be a good idea, considering I was covered in come and lube.
Master hauled me to my feet, and I had to steady myself against him. Jesus Christ, I was like Bambi on ice.
“Tentacle bukkake—there’s a first time for everything,” I joked.
He laughed and hugged me to him, and then we walked out into the water together. Given how sweaty I realized I was, the water only felt amazing.
We didn’t go too far, just till the water was deep enough for him to half sit and I could throw myself into his arms. Where I belonged. I wrapped my legs around him and everything.
In the faint moonlight, I could just see some of his features. The sexy glint in his eyes, his lips twisting up, the tiny wrinkles that deepened when he smiled.
I leaned back and held my nose, dunking my head underwater a couple times.
Christ, that felt so good.
We didn’t say anything at first. I was content to stare and savor our moment, and he was busy rubbing his hands over my body. Washing away the water-resistant lube that clung like a slick film. Then obviously a couple fingers up my ass too, because why not.
I grinned and rubbed our noses together. And because I was me, I slipped one hand between us so I could play with his cock. I liked it soft and satisfied.
I shivered at the feel of his fingers. It was no longer about washing away his come, was it? He just wanted to feel me too, like I did with him. The humor faded from both of us, and we met in a gentle kiss. Lips brushing sensually, his warm tongue pushing softly against mine.
“You’re gonna make me horny again, Sir,” I whispered.
He hummed and deepened the kiss.
He was getting hard too.
I drew in a breath, and the need struck me so fast. I had to have him inside me again. Now. Screw recovery time. Screw the soreness. Literally.
“Please, Master,” I breathed. We could do it. I knew what lube he used for tentacle play; it took forever to wash off, so my ass was definitely good to go. “Please, please, please, please.” I stroked his cock firmly from base to tip, twisting the skin on the upstroke against the palm of my hand. The way he liked it.
He waited a few more seconds, and then he let his actions speak. He spun me around in his arms, and the moment my feet touched the sand, he pressed the head of his cock between my ass cheeks and entered me in a swift thrust.
I moaned like the fucking slut I was, and pleasure exploded within me. He was my one. The one man I never wanted to use rubbers with. The one who had to take all of me. Nothing less was enough. I covered his hands with mine and moved them to my front, one to touch my chest and the other to rub my cock.