Page 83 of Apex Predator (The Game 11)
My bruises from the island fun were fading, and I wasn’t as sore anymore. To Shay and Lane, that was a travesty, for them to see their marks healing. To me… I wasn’t that kind of masochist. I loved my Master’s marks, but there would be others. Maybe today. Who knew? Although, right now, Reese, Lane, and Ty were doing their best to control the iguana population, so kink wasn’t on their minds.
As long as they kept the dead beasts away from me, all was well.
I shivered as Walker’s fingers brushed along my arm. It was too hot to be cuddled up against him, but I needed the little touches.
Shay groaned and stretched out alongside me—with River on his other side. “I don’t want this day to end.”
Same. I blinked sleepily as Shay rolled onto his stomach. May his ass never end either. Christ. It reminded me of Lane’s. All cute and soft-looking.
“No wonder River and Reese are obsessed, hon.” I yawned and reached down to smooth my hand over his butt. “This ass, I swear.” It still had plenty of bruising from some intense playtime they’d had before Christmas. The deep-tissue bruise kind. They’d last longer than anything he’d been exposed to on the island.
River hummed in agreement but didn’t open his eyes.
I’d been attracted to Shay since he’d become a member earlier this year. He was all contrasts. Pale skin against colorful, Japanese tattoos. Scars on the softest skin. The blondest natural streaks against otherwise dark hair. Shay had a bad-boy edge to him, yet he was sweet as fuck once you got to know him. A cocky martial arts champion who couldn’t sleep without his Daddy and Owner flanking him anymore.
He was slowly growing bolder around me, though. He’d started flirting with Lane and me last night, and we were itching to play with him. I was fairly sure the Tenleys and Walker were impatient to watch too, because they’d hinted at letting them know when to haul out the cameras.
“Don’t be so damn coy, baby,” River muttered, his voice thick from disuse. “You had your cock in Macklin’s mouth the other night.”
I let out a laugh at Shay’s scowl.
“I’m not coy,” he argued.
No, he wasn’t. He just wasn’t accustomed to making a move without instructions. For as ballsy and intimidating as Shay could be to those who didn’t know him, he’d settled in comfortably as a submissive for River. He’d always be Reese’s bratty-as-fuck Middle, their toy to mindfuck—the list went on—but the D/s dynamic evolving between River and Shay fascinated me the most. Partly because River had never been interested in that before Shay. Partly because Shay was a fun rule-breaker.
We all had that exception to the rule that messed it all up, didn’t we?
Shay looked at me from where he was resting his face on his arm, half hiding, and he bit his lip as he hesitated and hesitated. He was sweet. And if he wanted me to make the first move, I had no problems with that. All I needed was a sign—okay, never mind. He shifted closer to me and parted his legs a bit, so that was that. Desire tightened my gut, and I closed the distance between us and brushed my lips to his.
I had a fantasy that I wanted to make real. I’d originally thought about tempting Lane into being the toy, but there was no rule against asking Shay too. Well, I had to ask River first…
Shay lost his not-coyness at the first kiss, and he rolled onto his side to face me better. I took advantage. I pressed my body against his and teased his bottom lip with the tip of my tongue, to which he exhaled shakily and deepened the kiss.
There we go, sweet boy.
I cupped his cheek and took control of the kiss, keeping it slow and sensual, wanting to savor the moment. He tasted of the apple he’d eaten earlier, the blue raspberry lollipops he crunched incessantly in his quest to give up smoking, and potato chips.
Sliding my tongue against his, I shifted on top of him and earned myself a moan from him.
He got hard quickly and had seemingly no patience.
It was cute.
“We want to drive our Owners crazy, don’t we?” I murmured. I gripped his chin gently and turned his face toward River. “Look at him.”
Shay sucked in a breath and trembled beneath me. River was a tough nut to crack sometimes. He didn’t automatically show his reactions. He was the worst to play poker with. But you could see the interest in his eyes. He hadn’t moved from his position—ankles crossed, one arm under his head, all sprawled out on the blanket—but he was absently brushing his thumb over his boxer briefs, tracing the outline of his hard cock.
I dropped an openmouthed kiss along Shay’s neck before I tilted his head toward Walker instead.