Page 116 of Last One to Know
"The ones that were stolen from Holden's house. My mom had at least some of them. But my strategy wouldn't have worked if you hadn't been there. Max knew there was a problem when his partner didn't come back. He was going to kill Dani and me."
"But he didn't," Kade reminded me.
His words helped stem the shaking fear running through my body. We were all still alive. And as sirens rang out, followed by shouts and footsteps, I finally believed it was over, and we were safe.
Within minutes, the storage room was filled with police, followed by EMTs, and eventually Inspector Greenman made his way in.
Rachel was stabilized and whisked away to the hospital, along with Max and the man who had been working for him. Dani and I were finally released from our cuffs, and we immediately reached for each other. After a long hug of gratitude and love, we broke apart. I gave Inspector Greenman a statement and then the paramedics took us to another ambulance for a trip to the hospital to get checked out.
Kade stayed behind to continue his discussion with the inspector.
As Dani and I sat together in the ambulance, she slid her hand into mine and our eyes met. That connection took away the last of my fear.
"We survived," I said.
"Because of Kade. I'm sorry I ever doubted him."
"He's a good guy."
"He seems that way." Dani gazed at me through exhausted, bloodshot eyes that still held the terror we'd been through. "I thought we were going to die, Brynn. You put yourself in front of a bullet for me more than once. How could you do that?" she asked in wonder.
"How could I not?" I countered. "You're my sister."
"I didn't put myself in front of you." Guilt ran through her eyes.
"You're pregnant. You have to protect your child. He comes first."
"But you've always come first," Dani said, tearing up again.
"Well, now I come second, maybe third. I might let Steve go ahead of me, too," I said lightly. "But our relationship is as close as it ever was. We're two halves of a whole."
"You're my better half."
"You're mine," I said, feeling emotional as it was starting to sink in how close I'd come to losing her.
"I can't believe that man is our father or that Rachel is our mother. I don't know what to think about either one of them. They both seem horrible," Dani said.
"Rachel did try to save us. She took that bullet, so we could get away."
"But all the other things she did…" Dani shook her head in bemusement. "And what about Mom? What was her role in all of it?"
"We still need to find that out. I'm pretty sure it was Rachel who brought the trouble and Mom who kept trying to save her and save us."
"But Mom had stolen jewels in her house," Dani said. "Right?"
"Yes, she did. We'll figure it all out. What's important now is that we're safe, and Mom and Rachel are safe, too."
"You don't think there's anyone else who's going to come after us?"
"I really hope not," I said.
When we arrived at the hospital, we were checked out by an ER doc who ordered brain scans for both of us as well as an ultrasound for Dani. My tests were done about an hour later. I was diagnosed with a mild concussion and told to take it easy for the next forty-eight hours. After being released, the nurse wheeled me into the lobby of the ER, and I found Kade pacing by the window.
He immediately came toward me, taking my arm and ushering me into another chair, his gaze filled with concern. "What's the prognosis?" he asked.
"I'll be fine. I just need to rest for a few days. Dani is getting the baby checked out. Hopefully, she's all right. Do you know anything about Rachel?"
"She's in surgery. Her wound is not life-threatening."