Page 20 of Next Time I Fall
"Because I don't think you'd be so bothered by that trip if there wasn't something to figure out. And I like mysteries."
"I don't think it's a mystery."
"It's something. Can I try to find out?"
"Fine, but don't spend over five minutes on this."
"I'll just make a call." She checked her watch. "Do you want to get that ice cream before I take you back to the house?"
"Maybe we'll push that to another day. I'm full." That wasn't the only reason he didn't want to go for ice cream. His stomach was churning with what he'd remembered, and he was almost afraid to visit that ice cream shop in case it brought back more memories.
Never look back, his dad had told him repeatedly. Maybe having Chloe make that call was a mistake, but he couldn't quite bring himself to tell her to forget it.
After picking up Leo from school, Chloe spent the afternoon helping him color Easter eggs and decorate them with stickers, which involved plenty of messy fun. While she loved being with Leo, and usually he took all her focus, today her mind kept drifting back to Decker and his odd reaction at the rental house he'd stayed in as a child.
There was a story there, and she wanted to know what it was. She was intrigued not just by his odd memories, but also by him. He suffered tragedy, lived an adventurous and unusual life, and seemed happy and confident in who he was, except when he'd been at the house. And that was why she wanted to know more.
When Leo finished decorating his eggs and ran into his bedroom to play with his horse farm, she pulled out her phone and called Keira.
"Hello?" her friend said, answering somewhat breathlessly.
"Are you running?" she asked.
Keira laughed. "Only in from the car. How are you, Chloe? It's good to hear your voice."
"It's good to hear yours. How is Dante? Are you enjoying Miami?"
"Dante is amazing, and Miami is growing on me. It's very different than living in the mountains, but I've made some fantastic connections in the fashion world. And I'm making lots of trips to New York when Dante is on the road, so it's all working out."
"I'm glad you're happy. I hope you're not lonely."
"Well, I miss my girls," Keira said. "But you're all very good at keeping in touch. I'm looking forward to our girls' getaway in June. I hope that's still on."
"I'm in. I already have my parents lined up to babysit that weekend," she said. Her group of friends, most of whom were married or engaged now, had made a vow to get together at least once a year for a three-day weekend, and she couldn't wait.
"Perfect," Keira said. "What's going on in Whisper Lake? Are you still dating that guy you mentioned last time we spoke?"
"I am," she said. "It's…good," she said, wishing she sounded more convincing, because Joel was a great guy.
"You don't sound that sure."
"We're still getting to know each other."
"Well, I'm glad you're getting out there," Keira said.
"I'm definitely getting out there. We're going to karaoke tonight," she said, wanting to turn the conversation away from Joel.
"Oh, man, I miss Micky's and karaoke. Sing one for me."
"I'm hoping to do more cheering than singing."
"You have a beautiful voice, Chloe. You should stop being so shy about using it. How's Leo doing?"
"We just finished coloring Easter eggs. He's excited about the hunt on Saturday."
"I'll bet."