Page 23 of Next Time I Fall
She nodded, but as their gazes clung together, she cleared her throat, thinking they were getting a little too personal. "I found out who owned the house you stayed in."
His brows shot up in surprise. "You did?"
"Yes. I called my friend Keira. She ran the title on the house, and you're going to be surprised who the owner was."
His gaze grew wary. "Who?"
"Eleanor Johnson."
At first, he looked confused, and then a sparkle of awareness entered his green eyes. "Eleanor Johnson? Isn't that the name of your tenant? The one whose stuff we're clearing out?"
She nodded. "That's the one. Eleanor and her husband owned the house when it was rented to you. They had another house somewhere else in town, so I guess that was a rental. It's a strange coincidence, isn't it?"
"Yes," he said. "Very strange."
"But what does it mean?"
"It probably means nothing."
"Except that at some point in your life, you had a connection to Eleanor."
He thought about that, then shrugged. "I guess so, but I don't know what that connection is beyond the fact that she might have rented my father her house. And since she passed away, I don't think I'm going to find out what that connection was."
"We could try."
He frowned. "I think I'd rather leave things where they are." He paused, relief running through his gaze as it moved past her. "Look who's here."
She turned as Joel came up behind her. He leaned over, giving her a quick kiss that hit the corner of her mouth because she was so surprised to see him. "Hi," he said with an apologetic smile. "Sorry to be so late."
"It's okay."
"Sit here," Decker told Joel, as he slid into the empty seat by Jake, allowing Joel to sit next to her.
"Thanks," Joel said.
As he greeted her friends, she put a smile on her face. She was annoyed that he was late, irritated that he'd interrupted her conversation with Decker, and was feeling generally out of sorts. But that was stupid. Joel had made an effort to get here. She should appreciate that.
"How was your meeting?" she asked when he turned back to her.
"It was good," he said, excitement in his gaze. "My company is bidding on another piece of land on the north shore of the lake. If we get that, we'll be able to build an amazing development near the ski area. It will be its own resort, a destination within a destination. It could be huge."
"That sounds great. Is there a lot of competition?"
"Two other companies are in the mix. The fact that we're already building on the south shore is a point in our favor. They can see our vision and that we keep our promises." He paused. "Plus, getting that land will further support my plans to make a permanent office here, which is what I want. I like this town and the people I'm getting to know," he said pointedly. "I'm sorry I missed dinner. I know you wanted me to get to know your friends better. It's a busy time, but it won't last forever."
"What are you two whispering about?" Hannah interrupted. "I hope you're figuring out what song to sing, because Chloe owes me a song."
"I don't owe you," she returned with a frown.
"I did you a favor, and you said you owe me one," Hannah reminded her. "This is my one."
"I'll do something else for you."
"This is what I want. You don't get to pick the favor you owe. You and Joel can do a duet."
"I'm not a singer," Joel said. "Sorry, Chloe. You're on your own." He paused, glancing down at his phone. "And I apologize again, but I have to take this."
Her annoyance with Joel returned as he quickly left the table.