Page 71 of Next Time I Fall
"That's what I was thinking."
"I didn't know that at first. He said all the right things, that he wanted to change his life, find balance, stay in one place, and just be calm, soak in the wonder of the mountains. But I think that was just a fantasy in his head. He's very ambitious. He's dedicated to his job. He wants to rise in his career. I think he was just tired when he got here." She paused. "I think he might have had his own list, and I checked all his boxes, the way he checked mine. He wanted an answer to a problem, and I did, too. Does that make sense?"
"As one of your longest friends, I was able to follow that," Hannah said with a dry smile. "You both thought you knew what you wanted, but it turns out you don't. Don't get mad, but I'm relieved."
"Really? You didn't like Joel?"
"I liked him well enough, but you didn't seem right for each other, at least not to me. He was never really that engaged with our group, with your life, with Leo." Hannah paused. "You know who does seem right?"
She saw the gleam in Hannah's eyes. "Don't say it."
"Decker," Hannah said, ignoring her order. "When you two were singing karaoke, when you were playing trivia, you were having a blast. You were your old self again, and I enjoyed seeing that girl. I think Decker has brought some fun into your life."
"I like him," she admitted. "More than I want to, but he's leaving, Hannah. He has a life somewhere else."
"He doesn't have to leave. He's a builder. There's a lot of building going on."
"It's not just about a job. Decker is an adventurer. He grew up roaming the world, and he wants to keep doing that. He enjoys being free. He travels light. He wouldn't be happy staying in one place, and I have a child. If I didn't have Leo, I'd be tempted to go wherever he was going, but I can't do that. Besides that, I haven't known Decker very long, either. I'm sure there's something I'll come to dislike."
"I'm sure you're looking for that something," Hannah said knowingly. "But let's say Decker leaves in a few months. You could still have fun now. Not every relationship has to be forever."
"If Leo gets attached to Decker, and Decker disappears like his father did, then that's going to be bad."
"Decker isn't Leo's father. And all Leo knows is that he's a fun friend who comes around. He's too little to think about anything else."
"Decker is really good with Leo. He came over a couple of nights ago to talk about house stuff," she added vaguely, not wanting to get into Decker's personal business. "And he ended up playing with Leo, getting down on the floor, making up imaginary games with him. It was so sweet. It made my heart ache."
"Decker reminded you of when Kevin used to play with Leo."
"No, he didn't remind me of Kevin, because Kevin has rarely been around since Leo was old enough to play. And if they play when Kevin comes to town, I don't see it. But when I saw Decker and Leo together, it made me realize that's what any future relationship of mine should look like. Joel barely knows Leo. He'll just tousle his hair and say something to him like you're such a smart boy. But Leo and Decker—they have a vibe."
"You and Decker have a vibe, too."
She sighed. "Why can't I fall for someone who's going to stick around? What is wrong with me? Why do I pick men who have somewhere else more important to be, something else more important to think about?"
"Well, you fell for Kevin when you were sixteen years old. You had no idea what was going to happen when you eventually grew up. And I think Joel said all the right things. Maybe he even felt all the right things at the beginning, but as you said, he changed, or you did. As for Decker, get to know him better before you write him off. Don't push him away just because it might not be forever."
"I'm not pushing him away; that's the problem."
"Considering how hot he is, I don't think that's the problem," Hannah said with a laugh.
She couldn't help but smile back. "Let's talk about you."
"My life is definitely not as interesting as yours."
Despite her protest, Hannah had plenty to say, and Chloe sipped her wine as Hannah talked about problems at work and figuring out what to do for her anniversary. Their conversation continued over dinner, and she enjoyed catching up with Hannah on her own. They were often in a big group; it was nice to talk just the two of them.
After Hannah left, she headed out to her car, then made an abrupt turn when she saw Decker's truck in the parking lot. She ran up the back stairs and knocked on his door.
He opened it and frowned, a complete lack of welcome in his eyes. "I can't talk to you right now, Chloe."
She was surprised by his harsh tone. "Is everything all right?"
"No. And you know why."
"I'm sorry you got blindsided by Janet. She told me to apologize."
"I knew there was a blindside coming. I knew it the second you told me my dad and I stayed in the house that Eleanor owned. I should have left it alone, but I didn't. In fact, I should have left town, but I couldn't. You know why? Because of you, Chloe. I made you a promise, and I didn't want to break it. I didn't want to walk away from you." His eyes burned with a fire that heated her blood.