Page 44 of Curvy Girls Can't Date Curvy Girls
“It was the best prom I’ve ever been to. Stefon was there too, with his boyfriend.”
Mom turned, still holding the spatula. “That’s good. I’m glad you two are going to be there for each other through all the new firsts.”
I nodded, sliding into the bar stool next to Dad. I felt so relieved to know I could sit with them and fully be myself. Now I understood why Stefon had looked so light after he came out. I felt it too, with every breath I took. But there was still one thing I worried about. “How did Grandma and Grandpa take the news?”
Mom and Dad exchanged a look, and my stomach dropped. “What happened?”
Dad put his hand over mine. “They were a little surprised at first, but we came to an agreement. They will be in our lives, only if they do not question yours or make you feel any less deserving of love than you are.” He cupped my cheek with his hand. “They love you, even if they don’t understand everything right now.”
I held his hand to my cheek. It wasn’t perfect—it was life. And I was glad I had a few good people in my corner. “Thanks, Dad.”
Mom set a plate of eggs and toast with butter and jelly in front of me. “Eat up. You have a big day.”
I took a bite and shared the news that made today even bigger. “I’m going to meet Xi for lunch before I go.”
Mom folded her hands over her heart. “I actually texted her mom last night... You’re looking at the newest members of the Emerson Pride Association!”
I looked between her and Dad. “For real?”
Dad nodded. “Guess you’ll have to come back for the prom next year. I heard it was a big hit.” He winked.
Shaking my head, I continued eating the rest of my breakfast, thankful for my parents and excited for everything that was to come.
It took the three of us a little more than an hour to pack my car to the brim with everything I’d bring to college. It took a little less than that to say goodbye. There were hugs and tears and words of encouragement. But most of all, there was hope. Hope that the next chapter in my life would be the best one yet.
I pulled Mom’s—my—carinto Seaton Bakery’s gravel parking lot. From the outside, you wouldn’t think much of the place. It had dingy white paint and window markers announcing a breakfast special of a muffin and coffee for four dollars.
To be fair, the appearance didn’t really matter. Not when Kiyana would be meeting me here. Not when I had all the jitters of a new relationship to go with the disappointment of a premature goodbye.
As soon as I had turned off the vehicle and opened the door, I saw Kiyana’s car hit the lot. Heard the pop of gravel under her tires. She looked adorable in a white hoodie framed by moving boxes in the back and passenger seats. Another reminder of what was to come.
Her engine quieted, and she got out of the car, offering me a smile and a “Hey.”
I worried things would be awkward between us with the relationship being so new, but it was as natural as breathing to run up to her and give her a hug. She kissed my lips for far too short and then slipped her fingers through mine.
“Do you think they have any pride cupcakes left?” she asked.
“If we’re lucky,” I replied.
We walked through the door to jingling bells, our fingers still linked. A woman behind the counter grinned at us. “Aren’t you two just the cutest couple!” My cheeks warmed, but she continued, looking at me. “I saw you at the festival yesterday. My name’s Gayle.”
“Hi,Gayle,” Kiyana said. “I’m Kiyana.” She extended her hand over the counter,and they shook. Kiyana was a natural around other people. It took me just a little bit longer to warm up, but I smiled and said, “Hi, I’m Xiomara. But everyone calls me Xi.”
“What can I get you two?” Gayle asked.
While I scanned the display case, Kiyana said, “Do you have any cupcakes left from the festival yesterday? Xi told me how amazing they are.”
Gayle grinned. “I actually have a few left. I wasn’t going to sell them since they aren’t fresh, but if you want one, you can have it on the house!”
“Awesome!” Kiyana said. “Can I have that and a chicken salad sandwich with a lemonade?”
Gayle rang it up, and then I asked for a sandwich with a little extra spice. We carried our drinks and desserts back to a corner booth, and within minutes, Gayle had all of our food out. This place was already becoming my new favorite.
“What are you thinking?” Kiyana asked.