Page 18 of Locked Hearts
Bast blows out a breath, raking a hand through his messy brown hair in frustration. “But, she blew me off. She said she was too busy to ask her grandmother, and then pushed past me on the stairs. What the fuck is that about? What else could she have to do? I just don’t get girls.”
Bast continues to rant about how he just wanted to get to know her, and how she makes him feel while I fume.What is so special about this girl?
“I feel like there’s more to Chastity’s story, you know? Why is she here? Do you think she could be our girl? We all like her well enough. Though, none of that matters if she doesn’t want us back. Ash. Ash? Are you even listening to me?!” Bast blows up.
I stare at him, surprised. It usually takes a lot longer for him to lose his shit at me, when I get lost in my own head. Chastity is really under his skin.
Swallowing hard, I sigh. “I’m sorry, bro, you’re right. I think she’s a stuck up bitch, but we don’t know a lot about her. We don’t know why she’s here, or where she came from. And I think it’s time that changed.”
Deciding that breakfast is overrated, I grab a piece of toast and my bag. This entire time that I’ve blamed the new girl for existing I never tried to get to know her. Ranting and raving about her, or punching things, isn’t going to make her go away. So I need to change what I’m doing. I need to learn her secrets, make her think I care about her outside of finding out why she’s here. There’s too much on the line for her to be an accidental annoyance. But first, I need to beat the shit out of a bag.
* * *
I start today differentlythan yesterday. I'm going to stop the hostility and attempt to be nice. I take the seat next to Chastity in Levi’s class and give her a smile. “Morning,” I grunt. She glances my way, shocked, and her hazel eyes sparkle under the lights.
“Good morning,” she whispers, and I get caught staring at her lips. Blinking hard, I force a smile. I can’t fall for her seduction. I can’t wonder if her lips are as soft as they look. Damn, they’re so pouty and gorgeous.
My cock stirs, also wondering how they’d feel wrapped around him, and I shift uncomfortably. “You’re welcome,” I grunt, as I continue to lecture myself.
Chastity has affected all of us, and my friends are already head over heels for her. I have to be the voice of reason. I have to keep my shit together and fight against temptation. That’s it. God sent her to tempt me before my initiation.Well played, Big Man.
“Miss Cross, I expect you’re here to learn today,” Levi barks as he comes into the room. I glance over and see her eyes widen, and a gorgeous flush takes over her chest and cheeks.
Biting my lip hard, I look away, wheels turning in my head. She obviously dislikes the attention Levi is causing. Bridget giggles behind her hand, and Levi ignores it. “You should actually try to get an answer right today. It could be fun,” she taunts.
Chastity sighs, opening her notebook as she struggles to ignore her. Levi turns to grab something out of his bag, and Chastity is pelted in the back of the head with a paper ball. Swallowing my laughter, I lean forward and glance back to see the class bitches are on top form today, hiding their evidence as Chastity looks around wildly for the person who threw it.
What if I helped fan the flames of the mean girls, to push her towards me? I doubt it would even take much. I hide a smirk behind my hand as Levi continues to torture her.
“Miss Cross, what three arguments by Thomas Aquinas are called the cosmological argument for divine existence?” Levi asks darkly, standing in front of Chastity.
He has a sadistic game he likes to play with her, I’ve learned from watching. Levi either asks her questions and refuses to let her answer, or asks her questions she’ll never be able to answer. Hell, I don’t even know the answers to some of his questions.
Thankfully, I know this answer though. It’s something I was taught in the orphanage. I start to raise my hand, but am speared by Levi’s stormy, baby blue eyes. While I’m all about sparring with him and joking around, the man is still fucking scary. There’s a reason he’s our mentor for the Locked Souls Society.
Pulling my hand back, I roll my lips inward to keep the words in. Of course, Levi knows I have the answer ingrained in my brain, but he’s running the show. As ridiculous as it is that he’s our teacher, he still revels in the power he wields here.
“Again, you’re completely unprepared to come to class. I would tell you to take your leave and go to the office for the rest of the class, but that would just provide a respite from my teaching,” Levi says with a cruel tone.
Chastity looks up at him, tears running down her face. “What lesson is that, Sir?” she asks. A strange look passes over Levi’s face as she says this, but it clears so quickly, I could almost say I imagined it.
“The lesson, Miss Cross, is that we should be prepared for every eventuality. Preparation is godly, and your actions in refusing to be prepared is spitting in the face of your redemption,” Levi insists.
Damn. Just… Holy shit. My jaw drops in the face of his cruelty, and I know it won’t take me long to push her towards me. She’s going to want a safe port in the storm that is drowning her, and I’m more than willing to pretend to be that for her.
Class ends soon after this, and Chastity rushes out of the room. Levi smugly packs up his stuff, and even I’m impressed with the level of skill he destroyed her with today. I guess that’s why he’s our mentor.
Standing quickly, I follow Bridget, Mo, and Lisa out of the classroom. I’m going to need their help to push her over the edge and into my arms.
Grabbing Monique’s arm, I stop her before she can dart to her next class. The girl has some serious speed when she walks. “Mo, I need a favor,” I say quickly, and she gives me a smirk.
“Anything for you, hotcakes," Mo coos, and I hold back my scowl. I hate her nicknames, but I know she’d do anything to ingratiate herself into my good graces. I may as well go with it.
“I need you girls to push Chastity towards me. Use your special form of torture. She's trouble for my friends, and I need to make a point to her,” I explain with a smirk. Mo’s brown eyes flash with excitement, as she gives me her scary smile.
“Oh, that sounds like fun,” she says, trying to flirt with me by batting her eyes, but I ignore it.
“Cool,” I reply, blowing out a breath. “Can you tell Bridget and Lisa I need their help, too, please? Keep doing what you're doing, but amp it up a bit, so I can swoop in and save her. I need to get her to trust me, and tell me some of her innermost secrets.”