Page 35 of Locked Hearts
“Their Eve is Chastity Cross. I believe she’s in many of your classes,” he says.
My heart clenches as I realize how important this girl is, and how much harder her life is about to get.
Chastity is pure temptation,and so it’s no wonder she is their Eve.Taking a breath, I open my eyes and stare out at the darkened trees as I think about her. It becomes more and more apparent in every moment that I spend with her. The way she laughs, moves, and speaks full of innocence but then at times makes me question if that's true. There’s also a silent strength within her, and I hope it’s enough to weather what’s coming.
She’s the perfect Eve, all curves and beauty. I just hope the boys can handle her. There’s also a wide streak of stubbornness that I have front row seats to every time I have to administer a punishment.
All she has to do is bend, giving me her secrets and sins. But instead, she refuses.
When I joined the Society, the girl they chose was not pure. She was wild and down for anything.
Chastity has grace and kindness, and seems to blush easily. I’ve also noticed that she flinches whenever someone touches her, as if expecting to be hurt. She seems so different from the girls that the Elders usually choose to be the Eve, but that doesn’t change the fact that she’s perfect for Ash, Jonas, and Bastian.
Ileave Levi’s office and walk around for a few minutes. Ash has become more distant and hostile this past week, and I’m worried. He’s been my best friend for years, since we met in Bastian’s father’s church. I was praying to God to give me my mother back, and he was escaping the cruel boys from the orphanage. We were inseparable from that moment on.
I had known Bast from school, and Ash just fit into our group like it was always meant to be. So why does it feel like he’s pulling away and is going to leave us?
I pass Bridget and Milo arguing in the courtyard, but don’t stay long enough to find out why. She’s become even more unbearable and cruel to Chastity. I can see it’s blatant jealousy, but the way her and her friends are acting should be a sin all by itself. Not that they’d care; we all know they’re only here to find good, religious men to marry and take home to their families.
Lisa once confessed that was the reason her parents sent her here after she got too drunk. It’s all about appearances.
I thought everyone was here for redemption, like we were, or at least, like we claimed to the judge. I’m too pretty for juvie. I still think they disciplined us way too harshly. All we did was throw a tiny party at Bast’s father’s church. I mean, how was I to know that there were going to be drugs there, or that someone would OD? I didn’t touch them.
I still think maybe we were set up, and were meant to be sent here to Holy Cross. It would make sense and explains how Ash, Bast, and I just happened to be chosen for the Locked Souls. Bast tells me I’m crazy, every time I bring up my conspiracy theories. Maybe I am, but I have to say, coming here was one of the best things to happen to Ash.
He was about to be kicked out of the only home he’d ever known, due to aging out, and now he’s able to stay with us, with three gourmet square meals a day.
The orphanage often struggled to keep everyone fed, as they were overwhelmed by the amount of children that the state would send them.
Ash has always been high energy, quick to anger, and the first to throw a punch. It’s the reason Levi channeled all of our energy into sports, and the underground fighting ring.
Before that, Bast and I would often pile onto a fight, following Ash into whatever mess he started, just to help him. We were fucking wild, but we never thought it would be an issue. We figured we were young, and would always get away with it.
We were definitely wrong.
That is part of why Levi is so hard on us, and any whisper of a problem has him coming to squash it. I don’t even mind it, because we need that direction.
It’s why I went to Levi to tell him I was worried about Ash. He’s been really weird lately, and I don’t want him to screw everything up for us because he's jealous or angry over Chastity and who she spends time with. I’ve noticed she’s been avoiding him like the plague.
I want to improve their interactions, because they had a few good hours together before he kissed her and fucked everything up. I honestly feel like there’s a story there, and a very serious reason as to why she doesn’t seem to like to be touched.
Although, I touched her when I helped her get to her grandmother’s office, and she didn’t seem to have a problem with me.
Today is my first step in observing Chastity and Ash together. We were told our Eve was at the Academy, and I really think it could be her. I know Ash likes her, but is worried about being rejected. If she is Eve, they need to be on better terms. I’m worried that Ash is cozying up to Bridget because he thinks she’s our Eve.
God, I hope not, because I think I’d gag if I had to lose my virginity to her.
Heading to the dorms, I find Ash getting ready to leave. “Wait, you can’t go anywhere tonight,” I tell him, standing in his way.
“I was gonna go hang out with Bast, so you can hang out withher,” Ash sneers. Oh, that’s real mature.
“This is a group English project, which means you have to be around for it. You can’t afford to fail this. You know we’re being watched, and the Society and Elders demand excellence above all else.” I remind him of one of our rules.
Ash blows out a breath. “When was the last time you didn't cover for me?” he complains.
I roll my eyes and point to the desk. “March, Ash.”