Page 40 of Locked Hearts
I take a sip of water to rid my dry mouth as she continues speaking, and I choke on my water. I cover my mouth until my coughing fit ends, then nod.
“Yes, thank you, Grandmother, for allowing me this chance. It’s all I’ve ever asked for.” She pushes aside her pudding then stands from her chair and walks over to me. I feel frozen with the uncertainty of what this all means, but then she places her hand upon my shoulder and gives me a small squeeze. I lose a hold on my emotions and let the happy tears fall. She leaves me at the table and enters her room, closing the door with a soft click.
* * *
The next dayI wake up to an empty apartment and a letter from my grandmother, sitting on the table.
I received a call in the night and had to leave sooner than planned. I didn’t want to wake you. I have given strict instructions to Sister Mary to help move you into the dorms today at lunch time. Maybe one of those boys can assist you. This is your one chance to prove to me that I can trust you. I am giving you an opportunity to redeem your sinful ways. Do not disappoint me.
I will return promptly.
Classes fly by today in my excitement. I’m finally being given a small sliver of freedom. I won’t have to sneak around anymore to bake, or see the guys. I know that I’ll still have watchful eyes on me. I wouldn’t put it past my grandmother to have someone spying on me. But it’s freedom… Not a nine by thirteen cinderblock room, or a stuffy room in an apartment that no one talks in.
I still don’t know who my roommate is, but maybe we can be friends and have slumber parties. I’ve always wanted to attend one. My stepmother, Isabella, wouldn't allow it. She said they were just a reason to sneak around with boys and do ungodly things. If she only knew what happened in the Church where she prays every Sunday.
I shake my head at those thoughts. This is supposed to be a happy day. I hold onto my duffle bag tighter and knock on room fourteen. I don’t want to be rude and just walk in, even if this is now my new home. I have to knock a few times as loud music is playing from inside.
“Oh, hi,” I say, as a gorgeous blonde opens the door to my new room. She gives me a once over then moves aside so I can enter. I wait awkwardly in the door frame for a minute then walk inside. Woah. Instantly I can tell this girl and I are going to be friends. The walls are covered in band posters, and she has an awesome CD collection. Yeah, I know, CD’s are outdated, but I still love them.
She scoffs and pulls my attention back to her. “Out of all the people to pair me with, it had to be you,” she groans, and gives me a look of disgust. I freeze and give her a really good once over. I don't recognize her. I know my grandmother said she lived in the town next to mine, but I really didn't get out that often.
“I'm sorry, do I know you?” I ask, while pushing some of my messy hair behind my ear. I’m all sweaty from my rush packing, and carrying things here. Bastian offered to help me move, but he had to go to class. I didn't want to wait.
“No. But I know you. Chastity Andrews, well now Cross. Liar, whore, and someone who doesn't have any problem stepping on others and ruining their life.”
I step back and gasp. This girl has malice and disdain all over her face. Tears fill my eyes, but I don't let them fall.
“I'm so sorry. I really don't know what you're talking about. This was a bad idea. I'll just move back in with my grandmother. I was just so excited to finally have a little freedom, but I obviously did something to hurt you, and I am genuinely sorry for whatever it was.”
I step back into the hall and spin to leave when she stops me. “What do you mean freedom? Clearly you're not a prisoner here. You're a Cross.” I snort and find myself laughing, but it's not full of mirth like the old days. It's haunting and sad.
“Being a Cross isn't what people think it is. It’s limiting. You’re always being watched, and I haven’t been able to talk to anyone since I’ve been here,” I tell her, rolling my eyes. “You really shouldn’t judge others, and for the record, I have never lied about anything.”
“No. No, that’s not true,” she says, moving in front of me and gently pushing me further into the room. Watching me intently, she shakes her head like I’m a little puzzle that she doesn’t understand. “I know you’re a mom, Chastity. You pretend that you’re this goody two-shoes that isn’t capable of doing anything wrong, but you ruined a man’s life!”
Gasping, I realize she knows a very small part of my story. “I am not responsible for what people make up about me. I have never pretended to be anything other than myself. But everything got twisted up until even I had trouble understanding what happened. I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt,” I explain.Or for them to take my baby from me.
“No,” she insists. “You don’t understand. King is my step-brother, and was my boyfriend. I’m Tempest Rian, and I saw everything happen. King told me he never slept with you, he was only trying to be your friend, and instead you ruined him,” Tempest screams at me.
I vaguely remember that King was dating someone, but I never found out who as my own life imploded. It was never my intention for anyone to become collateral damage.
Taking a shaky breath, I realize there’s no way she’ll ever believe me. “Listen, I know we don’t know each other at all, but maybe—”
“No,” she scoffs at me. “I know exactly who you are. I own the fact that I’m here because my family sent me here. My relationship with King was deemed inappropriate by my parents when they found us in bed together. We were cuddling, and it was completely innocent at the time, but they still sent me to this hell hole. However, you should be somewhere worse than here. Holy Cross is too good for you, whore,” Tempest screams.
Embarrassed and trembling, I shake my head. “I promise there’s a story here that you don’t know. I regret a lot about what happened with King, but I never said he was the father of my baby. I have been paying for the mistakes I have made for a long time. I’ll tell you everything, but not right now. I promised some friends I would have dinner with them,” I explain.
Tempest stares at me, distrustful and I don’t blame her. I would hate me too, if I was her.
“I’ll go to dinner with you because I’m hungry, and I’ve had people believe things about me that aren’t true. But I do expect you to tell me more than you have, and I won’t say anything until I can make up my own opinion about you.”
Nodding with a sigh, I wave a hand towards the door.
We walk over in relative silence, and she eats with me. This is the first meal I’ve been allowed to eat in the dining room, and even though what Tempest said rattled me, I’m excited.
The guys join us, including Ash. I really think we’ve made a little progress recently. I also appreciate that neither Jonas or Ash asked many questions about why I was in so much pain the other night. I really should have gone home like Father Levi told me, but I had made a commitment to write that paper.