Page 44 of Locked Hearts
“No, but I've always liked a challenge. And you, big guy, have been my hardest of all.” She makes a point to glance at my erection and I snort, giving her my best mean grin.
“Who said that's for you?” I glance over her shoulder at Jonas and Chastity moving this way, talking with each other, and I grow harder. Bridget sniffs and turns to look at what caught my attention. I can see the steam blowing from her ears as she marches over to them and says something nasty to Chastity. I’m getting really tired of Bridget’s crap.
Rolling my eyes, I bypass Bridget and walk over to stand in between Jonas and Chastity. Jonas looks livid, and Chastity seems withdrawn. I gently touch her arm and she brings her glassy hazel eyes my way. Bridget is ranting about something with Lisa, who is now beside her, and Jonas gives me the look.
Things just got better between us, I don’t need the Bitch Squad ruining all of our progress. I open my arms, surprising us all, and offer Chastity a hug. She hesitates then steps in, letting me pull her in for a quick squeeze.
Once she steps away, Jonas gives me a smile of approval and a nod. I clear my throat and rub the back of my neck.
“So, there’s a party tonight. It’ll probably be lame, but it will give us something to do,” I suggest to Jonas, and he immediately looks at Chastity to see what she thinks. She’s nibbling on her bottom lip and my dick is now rock hard. I shove my hand into my pocket and adjust myself.
“So, what do you say, Chastity? Are you up for a little debauchery?” I joke, and she gives me a shaky smile.
“Depends, can Tempest come too? She’s the only girlfriend I have here, and I don’t want to be ditched when a pretty girl asks you to dance,” she says softly, but I can tell she’s teasing us, and I like it. Chastity plays weak and innocent, but I see a fire inside of her, fighting to break free, and when it does, everyone better watch out.
* * *
We decideto meet in the main foyer of the dorms. The guys and I didn’t want Chastity or her roommate walking around this late. Bridget was really keyed up after she realized my soldier wasn’t saluting her.
I’m starting to think Chastity bailed on me when I hear the most angelic laughter come from the staircase leading to the girls’ dorm.
Chastity has a beaming smile on her face that lights up the room. Both girls look fantastic in their dresses and heels, but I can’t take my eyes off of her. Jonas elbows me in the ribs. “Dude, stop staring like a creeper or you’ll scare her off.” Bast chuckles next to me. Thankfully, Chastity and Tempest reach us before my mood can sour.
“Ladies, if you would follow us,” I say while sweeping my arm towards our destination. Tempest starts to slow as we get closer to a dead end. “Um, is the party in the wall?” Bast smirks and pushes on a panel that you would have never known was there.
The wall opens up to one of the secret tunnels. I know we aren’t supposed to show people these, but maybe I want to impress tonight. Ushering everyone in, I turn to the girls. “You have no idea what secrets this place holds.”
We reach one of the underground hidden rooms that’s away from the Society part and I lead them through another tunnel and outside. The party is in a crypt in the woods. I probably should have warned Chastity, since her shoes sink into the mud and she’s not wearing sleeves. She shivers and I watch as Jonas wraps an arm around her shoulder.
I know she doesn’t like to be touched, but she doesn’t seem to mind him holding her. We reach the crypt and Chastity gasps.
“Wow, so this is what a party looks like?” she says with amazement, and I glance around with a shrug.
“Yeah, debauchery at its finest.” Bast snorts and shakes his head, then holds his hand out for her, not wasting anytime.
“So, princess, tell me. Do you like to dance?” Chastity looks at him, then the way people are grinding on each other and ducks her head, pushing a wavy piece of hair behind her ear.
“I’ve never actually danced, but I've always wanted to. I was never allowed to attend any school sanctioned dances,” Chastity says while looking around.
Tempest giggles. “Girl, just move your hips and the rest will happen.” I look at this beautiful, innocent woman with admiration and mirth. I still don’t know anything about her, but she draws me in like a bug to a light. I just hope none of us get zapped.
I just want to forget everything for a few hours. After my heavy conversation with Tempest, and my last punishment with Levi, I just want to let loose and enjoy my life for a little while. I’m nineteen, and I feel like I’ve lived an entire lifetime of unhappiness in the short time I’ve been alive. I need to remind myself about the good parts of life, because I was serious when I begged for my life to end in Levi’s arms.
Bast grins, handing me a drink. Not asking what’s in it, I take a sip and smile back. Oddly, it tastes really good.
“You look surprised, Chastity,” he says with a smirk. Why is he so hot?
Biting my lip, I smile back. “I wasn’t expecting it to actually taste good,” I confess. My words move freer when I’m not thinking so hard, and right now, I refuse to overthink.
Taking another sip, I ask if he’ll dance with me. I’ve never been to a party, and my hips sway naturally to the music as I listen. Tempest was right. I just need to let my body do the work. There is a band playing that I'm not familiar with. Though given how detached I’ve been from the things normal teens enjoy, I’m not surprised.
“Yeah, beautiful, I would love to dance with you. Come here,” Bast says with a smile as he carefully puts his arms around me. Bast communicates his every move, and I appreciate it so much. It helps me become more and more comfortable with him. I wonder if he told the guys about any of our baking conversations, because the three of them have asked to hug me at one point or another recently.
I also think they remember the kissing fiasco, and none of us want that to happen again.
Hmmm. Kissing. As I feel Bast’s hard body against mine, I watch his lips as he sings the words to the song we’re dancing to. He feels amazing against me, and it makes me wonder what kissing his pouty lips would feel like.