Page 50 of Locked Hearts
Twisting, she turns pale. “Please, don’t stop,” Jules begs.
“Nope. Never. We’re going back to Holy Cross. We’ll figure out the rest when we get there, okay? Now, please, tell me where you’ve been the last few days. Someone texted me and said they couldn’t get ahold of you,” I explain.
Leaning back on the seat, she nods. “Can you show me what the text looks like?” she asks.
I hand Jules my phone so she can read it. “This is Tracy. She’s one of my best friends from school, and when things got weird with Dad and I hadn’t seen him in a while, I started staying at her house instead of home. I didn’t feel comfortable being in that big house alone, honestly,” Jules explains.
“No, I’m proud of you for making that decision. I wish I had known sooner though, Jules.” I groan.
“I know, I know. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. You’ve been busy, and I didn’t think it was a big deal. Until it was,” she whispers. “I was walking home from school. I was going to pick up some clean clothes before going back to Tracy's house. I had a plan, and I even did laundry the day before so it'd be ready, as you…ah, saw,” Jules explains with a grimace. “God, that was so gross. It was all over my clothes.”
“Try not to think about it,” I bite out. “Tell me what else happened.”
“They dragged me through the house, breaking things and throwing me around. I feel like my bruises have bruises, but it could have been worse. They stole all of mom’s jewelry, and when they asked me where the safe was, I couldn’t tell them. Dad never told me, and I’m kind of glad because even if I knew where it was I’d never be able to get into it. He only ever showed you.”
Wincing, I silently admit that’s true. My father only confided in me, never Jules, and that only got worse when my mother was killed.
“So they threw me in the closet and told me they’d be back. Their boss wanted to talk to them, to see if they’d found Dad. I obviously don’t have a clue where he is, so they told me if I didn’t provide the information they needed, they’d fuck it out of me. When they were done, if I—” Jules’ voice cracks, and I reach out to grab her hand. Squeezing it, she gasps in a breath. “They were going to sell me, Jo! What kind of sick people is Dad dealing with?”
“I don’t know, Sis. But, I promise, you never have to go back, okay? You’re going to enroll and stay at Holy Cross. I’m going to go arrange it all with Levi, as soon as we’re back on campus?”
Nodding, Jules doesn’t ask if I have the power to do that, or how it’ll happen, she just believes in me. At sixteen-years-old, that trust doesn’t usually exist, but Jules’ has never wavered because I’ve never let her down. And I don’t plan to start now.
We sneak in once we arrive at the Academy, and I walk her to my room. Knocking on the door, I peek in, because my sister doesn’t need to see what Bast’s dick looks like. Thankfully, he’s fully clothed, and his brow raises as I enter with Jules.
“Can you hang with her for a little while, please?” I ask. “Something happened with my dad, and I need to go talk to Levi.” Bast nods, giving her a quick hug. She turns away to look around the room, and he mouths ‘what the fuck?!’ at me.
‘Later’, I mouth back, and he sighs with a nod.
“Jules? You can shower and change into some of my sweats, if you want? Until I can replace your clothes,” I ask. I want her to be comfortable, and I’m about to give Levi’s credit card a workout, so I can get my sister the things she’ll need.
I know he won’t care, but he will have questions.
Leaving my sister with Bast, I walk out and take the hidden hallways to Levi’s office once more. He’s standing there fuming, staring out of the window.
“Levi—” I start to say, and he whirls around to face me, cutting me off.
“Did you take my car and leave campus?!” he asks, enraged, and I reply with an exhausted nod.
“Yeah. My sister was basically kidnapped and needed help,” I tell him in a monotone voice, walking over and sitting down in a chair to wait out his tantrum.
“I’m sorry… what? How is Juliet? I didn’t mean to freak out, and I didn’t really think you’d go for a joyride, but…” Levi says hurriedly, clearly feeling like shit for jumping to conclusions.
This is the reaction I was waiting for.
“Come, sit, and I’ll tell you what happened.” I sigh.
Levi sits down on the edge of his desk and waits. I tell him every detail, not sparing him the pain of hearing all the disgusting parts because I need him to agree to what I’m about to propose.
“I feel like you have a plan,” he says, looking exhausted whilst rubbing his face.
“Yeah, and I don’t really think you’re going to like it,” I say with a wince. “I want Jules to enroll as a student here for good. She can’t go home, and fuck only knows where my dad is. I feel like this is all his fault, and if I find him, I’ll fucking kill him,” I snarl.
Levi opens and then closes his mouth with a sigh.
“I can’t make that decision,” Levi says. “What if we transfer her to another school, she’ll be safe and—”
“She was almost raped and sold because I wasn’t there,” I roar, tears pricking my eyes. “I can’t fail her again, man. I can’t. I will do anything to keep her where she’s safe. The only place I know she’ll be completely safe is at Holy Cross, under the protection of the Society,” I insist.