Page 68 of Locked Hearts
I don't know if I'm ready to sleep with any of them. I'm enjoying all the foreplay. I know I agreed to be their Eve, but I'm still scared. Plus, I'm still keeping secrets from them all. Ash is the only one who knows about Angel, and even he doesn't know the whole story.
I think I need to open up to them about everything before opening up my legs.
* * *
I leavethe guys in Levi’s room after changing, and go for a walk to think. I sneak out the side gate and move over to the bridge. It’s so peaceful here. I can see why Ash loves it here. Birds chirp and the water babbles underneath me. I lean against the wooden railing and look up at the sky.
I wonder what Heaven is like, and if my mom is looking down watching over me. Would she disapprove of my relationship with four guys, or support us? I know for a fact the rest of my family would never accept it, but I’m starting to not care about others opinions. I’m happy. I’m safe, and soon I’ll be able to get my baby back.
But I have to do something first. I leave the bridge and walk back to the Academy. A few students are lying on the grass enjoying the nice day, so they don’t give me a second glance. It has been a while since I’ve confessed, and I think it’s time. I enter the building and head to confession. I have a lot to atone for, even if I don’t feel any guilt for it.
I’m talking with Jonas when my phone rings. Father Jediah is sick and asks if I can cover his hours in the confessional. I groan internally, but of course, say yes. I need to keep up appearances, until my father tells me I can drop this act. Though I don’t mind the job all that much anymore. I get to see Chastity all day, and then some more after hours.
I kick the guys out and get dressed, then make my way to the Chapel. There aren't many people here, so I climb into the confessional and wait. The other side opens and someone takes a seat. I’m immediately hit with the smell of blackberries and vanilla, and I freeze.
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," she says softly, but I already know who it is. I assume she's here to confess about what she did with me or the boys. I open my mouth to interrupt her, but she starts to cry.
“It's been a long time since my last confession. I have hidden in fear of even confessing this, as every time I get the nerve to tell someone, they either use it against me, or just don't believe me. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue on this way.” She pauses and sighs.
“I never expected to find happiness here. I planned to attend Holy Cross, get my redemption, then move on. I never expected to find love.”
She sniffles and I keep silent. Though I want to hold her, I need to hear this.
“I haven't been truthful to the men I'm falling in love with. There is so much they don't know. I'm worried about what they will say or do when I reveal my secrets.”
“Go on, my child,” I mumble, trying to disguise my voice. What does she mean she's been lying to us? I knew she had secrets, but lying?
“Two years ago, a man I trusted took advantage of me in the worst way. I confided in the wrong person and they destroyed me because of it. I have ruined many lives due to my sins.” She hiccups and I want to break through this wooden barrier and hold her, but I'm frozen. I need to hear the rest.
“I have a baby. A beautiful Angel, and even though she wasn't conceived out of love, I would never blame her for that. She's what keeps me going most days. The promise that one day I'll get her back, and away from the evil that holds her captive.”
A baby? She's a mom? Holy fuck! Is this the reason her grandmother has been making her repent? My mind is racing and it's becoming harder to breathe. “It's not your fault. You may have sinned, but not from someone taking advantage of you,” I choke out, full of guilt and feeling sick that I was a part of punishing her. She gasps, recognizing my voice. Fuck.
“Chastity, wait,” I quickly say as she slams the door open and takes off down the long aisle and out to the halls.
I chase after her, cursing this damn robe. When I reach the double doors that lead to the Academy, Chastity is already long gone.
I collapse against the wall and try to catch my breath. Not from the running, but from the revelation.
I race towards my grandmother's apartment because I know Levi won't search for me there. I can't believe he was the one in the confessional. He knows everything now, and it's only a matter of time before he tells the others.
Shit! Why does this keep happening to me? Can't I ever catch a break. I know I had plans to tell him and the guys, but not today!
I knock on the apartment door, and I'm shocked when my stepmother, Isabella, opens it. I quickly wipe the tears from my cheeks.
“Chastity, what a wonderful surprise. We were just talking about you, sweetheart,” she coos, and I'm instantly on edge. The last time she was ‘nice’ to me was when I found out that I was being moved into the basement because she needed a yoga studio.
“You were?” I ask as she ushers me through the door. My father is standing there with my grandmother and my daughter. I ignore anything else Isabella says, and march right over to the man who betrayed me, taking Angel from his arms. She babbles and gives me a huge gummy smile. She's getting so big, and I can't believe she's talking now. I’ve missed so much.
“You look well, dear,” Isabella says and I snort. I look like I’ve been dragged through a sea of my emotions, and everyone in this room knows it, but I don't want to fight.
“Thank you, I started doing yoga,” I mumble and she praises me. My father clears his throat and looks at me disapprovingly until Isabella nudges him.
“I’ve missed you, daughter,” he chokes out, looking like that lie is going to make him sick, but once again, I ignore it. I have Angel right now, and I don’t want them to end this visit.