Page 3 of Undone
“All right,” he finally said, and I breathed out. “Are you willing to sign an NDA?”
“A what?”
“A contract that says you won’t sell your story someday. You’ll be working under a celebrity. It’s standard issue.”
I couldn’t tell if he meant the celebrity was him or Kendall Jacobs. I had a feeling he hoped it was him. Okay, that was harsh. Me and my stupid thoughts. “Yeah, sure. I have no interest in—”
“That’s what they all say before they become starstruck.” He sighed. “You’ll meet plenty of celebrities, but your main focus will be helping me stay on schedule.”
“I can do that.” I needed this job. If anything, it would look good on my résumé. “Is this a temporary position?”
“That’s to be determined. We’re in the beginning of show season, which is why I need to hire someone ASAP.” He raised a brow. “Kendall records two shows a day, four days a week. Fridays are reserved for other projects. The series is on summer break from June through August when the focus shifts to her appearances in other places and some much-needed R and R. So a bit of travel might be involved as well.”
I perked up at that. I’d always wanted to travel. “Sounds good. Does that mean I’m hired?”
“I don’t have many other choices, so I suppose that’s what it means,” he muttered. Thanks a lot, asshole. “I’ll let the temp agency know.”
I tried to hide the relief on my face, but I didn’t even know why I was so happy. This might end up being a disaster. But it was a steady job, so for now, I’d take it. “When do I start?”
“How about now?” He stood to reach for some material on a side table, then laid a blouse across my lap. “A button popped off. I need it repaired.”
I sat there dumbstruck as if I’d never heard those instructions uttered before, and in my defense, I hadn’t.
“Let me guess: you’ve never sewn a button in your life,” he mocked.
“It can’t be that hard, so I’ll figure it out in a minute. But what does this have to do with keeping you on schedule?”
“Even the smallest tasks help keep the show running and everyone on schedule. Hopefully, you’re also good under pressure.” He snapped his fingers at someone in the hall. “Anita, can I get some help?”
“Sure thing.” She smiled when she came into the room, and I relaxed a bit. Someone nice, with less severe features. That boded well.
“Shae Shanahan is my new assistant.” Rowan’s cell buzzed, and he looked down at it, his brows furrowed. “I’ll be right back. Anita can assist you.” And with that, he swept out of the room, looking distracted by whatever was on his screen.
“You work for him?” I whispered, and Anita cracked a smile.
“I work for the network. There are a few junior stylists here, like me, who assist the different shows and pitch in wherever we’re needed.”
“Got it.” I lifted the fabric. “He wants me to sew a button?”
“You don’t know how?”
I shook my head.
“Interesting… And he hired you anyway.”
“I’m sure there’s a story there, but right now, I’ve got a task to complete.” Feeling determined, I lifted my phone and started Googling instructions. How hard could it be?
“It’ll be easy-peasy. I’ll fetch you a needle and thread.” She came back with a box containing different colored threads, needles, scissors, and a pincushion. “I’d use the same color thread as Kendall’s shirt.”
I froze. “Holy shit, this is her shirt I’m holding?”
It was shiny and maybe made of silk, and the label read Versace. That was expensive, right? Should I know this? My hands shook as I tried not to leave any wrinkles from my sweaty palms.
“It’s okay. You can totally do it.” She patted my shoulder reassuringly. “You’ll need to learn the basics anyway, especially when Rowan becomes super busy. All his assistants have had to work on the fly.”
“How many has he been through exactly?”
She winced but didn’t have a chance to tell me before Rowan glided back into the room in a diva-like fashion.
“What are you doing?” he snapped, making the hair on my nape stand on end.
Deep breaths. You’ve got this.
I motioned to my phone. “I’m on wikiHow, following the directions for sewing a button.”
He momentarily shut his eyes. “God, help me. What have I done?”
“No divine intervention is needed.” I held up the silk blouse. “I think I’ve got it down. You won’t regret hiring me. Promise.” I crossed my fingers behind my back, just in case.
“I’d say the young man is resourceful,” a voice suddenly said, and I turned to see the Kendall Jacobs standing there.
My mouth opened and closed in astonishment before finding the courage to say something. “Hi, Ms. Jacobs. I’m Shae Shanahan.”
“We’re on a first-name basis here.” She put out her hand. “Pleased to meet you.”