Page 35 of Undone
“That was so fun,” Mom said, pulling me in for a hug as Dad clapped me on the back. He looked impressed, which made me glad I’d been able to score them tickets.
Once she’d finally let me go, I drew back to look at them, to see if there was anything different about them since I’d last seen them during the holidays. Dad always looked tired and a bit grumpy, and Mom was always the bright, cheery light that shined on them both. It was surreal to have them in the city with me.
My stomach tightened as I viewed them for the first time through Rowan’s eyes. Dad’s clothes were plain, Mom’s a bit too country-kitsch for the city, but I could tell the dress was new, so she must’ve shopped for it for this trip. Dad had a bit of a beer belly, and Mom carried some weight in her hips, so in other words, they were normal, salt-of-the-earth Midwesterners, and I was ready to give Rowan hell if he sent any uppity attitude their way. I swore sometimes he couldn’t help himself.
When I heard familiar footsteps behind me, I stiffened. Slowly turning to meet my boss’s eyes, I noted no judgment in them, only curiosity.
“This is my boss, Rowan Abernathy.” I stepped aside to allow a greeting to take place. “Rowan, these are my parents.”
Rowan stepped forward and thrust his hand for my father to shake first. “Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Shanahan. How are you enjoying the city?”
“It’s so big and crowded,” Mom replied, but I was suddenly wondering how my parents would see Rowan. Elegant, for sure. Maybe snooty, but so far, he’d been gracious.
Rowan smiled. “It sure is.”
“I know, much different than Stockton.” I winced.
“Don’t get us wrong, honey. We don’t regret coming,” Mom said, and Dad grunted in our direction, which wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. Likely they were just tired from the busy morning of travel. “It’s exciting being here. And we can’t wait for you to show us all the sights.”
“Me too. But we’ll take it slow.” I had plans to show them Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, as well as Wall Street—Dad’s request—even though they didn’t even own stocks other than their 401K. Just one of those touristy things he’d heard about, no doubt. “Let me show you around the studio, for starters,” I said, trying to move us along.
I pointed out different areas like my office and the spaces used for other network shows, and then the photos on the walls of celebrities who’d made appearances. Finally, I led them back to the closet, where they met Anita and then Tony, who came in to retrieve a tube of lipstick for Kendall.
Rowan was busy placing the designer samples in wardrobe bags but made an effort to smile at my parents. To say I felt relief was an understatement.
When Kendall entered the room, my father’s face turned ruddy. I could relate, as I’d been starstruck my first time too. I’d never seen him that way, ever, and I wanted to poke fun, but I wouldn’t dare, not in front of Kendall. I’d admit, it was pretty endearing.
“I’m so pleased to meet you,” Kendall said in greeting before throwing an arm around my shoulder. “Shae is a dream to work with.”
Mom’s eyes sparkled with pride as my face reddened.
“Well, you make it easy,” I said and felt Rowan’s gaze on me from across the room. Was he expecting I’d throw the same accolades his way?
“I’m not surprised,” Mom said. “We miss him at home, but Shae was always destined for bigger things.”
And now my entire body felt engulfed in a blaze. “Mom—”
“Oh hush, you know it’s true.” She looked at my father, who still seemed speechless. “Right, honey?”
He finally snapped out of it but fumbled his words. “Y…yes, of course. It was a good idea for Shae to spread his wings and finally figure out what to do with his life.”
God, I was going to die if this conversation didn’t end soon.
“So…just let me finish up in here, and then we can leave together,” I said, and that gave Kendall the opportunity to say her goodbyes.
“Why don’t you take off now,” Rowan said to my utter surprise.
“No, it’s okay.” I motioned to the clothing rack. “I can at least—”
“I’ve got it handled. Besides, you’ll probably be useless. You haven’t seen your parents in months.”
I leaned toward him and lowered my voice. “Who kidnapped my boss and put you in his place?”
He smirked. “Believe it or not, I managed just fine before hiring you.”
“Well, that’s up for debate. We all know you…” I trailed off, remembering that my parents were in the room. What in the hell must they be thinking? That I was arguing with my boss? My dad would pop a blood vessel if someone did the same to him.