Page 60 of Undone
“Nothing. The photographer decided that Kendall could be barefoot.”
Kendall was in a hushed conversation with Naomi at a corner table, and I noticed the deep-red polish on her toes. I was going to guess the poses were elegantly shot regardless. “Sounds perfect to me.”
He scoffed. “That’s not the point. The designer might not let me borrow from the new line again. It can damage my relationship with them.”
“I can return the shoes and explain the situation to his assistant. I’m sure he’ll understand—”
“You think you’d be better at smoothing it over than me? My relationship with them spans—”
“That’s not at all what I’m saying. I only meant that I can take the blame.”
He folded his arms. “Well, you are to blame.”
“So it was my fault you left the shoes behind?” I clenched my fist. “And I suppose traffic is my fault too?”
“In this scenario, I needed you to be more resourceful. To be—”
“How’s this for resourceful?” I leaned toward him. “I quit!”
My heart was pounding out of my chest. What the hell was I doing?
“Don’t be ridiculous!” he replied, coolly assessing me. “This is not the time to make a rash decision or walk away from a job that anyone would snatch up in a hot minute.”
“Don’t be so full of yourself. If that were true, why did you have to contact a temp agency and hire someone who didn’t know a goddamned thing about fashion? The job might sound great, but working for you—”
“I’m ready for my next look,” Kendall said from behind us, either completely oblivious to our hushed tones or completely aware and trying to intervene.
Rowan’s eyes widened. “We’ll discuss this later.”
I nodded and stepped away, trying to get my trembling hands under control.
What had I done? But no way I’d take it back now. I didn’t think my pride would let me.
It was tense the next couple of hours, even worse than before, but we made it through, and the shoot ended up being a success. The magazine was happy, as was the photographer, and with Kendall being ushered out the door by Naomi to another event, the room began to clear. We only had to take the clothing back to the showrooms and call it a day.
I let out a deep breath that it was at least the weekend and I could regroup my thoughts and emotions about what I’d done.
But Rowan must’ve thought I’d forgotten about my declaration or changed my mind because he suddenly seemed chipper. “See you on Monday,” he said as the driver helped load some of the samples in the trunk.
“Sounds good. I’ll have my resignation letter in hand for you.”
He spun toward me, his jaw hanging open. “I can’t believe you’re still… Is this because”—he looked over my shoulder and lowered his voice—“because of what happened between us?”
I narrowed my eyes. The nerve of him. “Of course not! Unless you count how utterly rude you’ve been since then.”
“I have not. If anything, I’ve worked hard to revert back to normal. To—”
“I can’t believe you!” I threw up my hands. “You’ve been acting like either I have leprosy or I was the worst hookup you’ve ever had.”
The driver walked faster to his door and slid into the seat—to give us privacy or escape the secondhand embarrassment—and I wanted to either laugh or cry, I didn’t know which. Maybe both at the same time.
“The worst? Not even close.” Rowan began pacing on the sidewalk, which was interesting for someone as buttoned up as him. “You…you’re…”
“Spit it out already!”
He tipped his chin. “I refuse to accept your resignation.”
“You can’t refuse!” I sputtered, amazed at his gall. “It’s my right to quit.”
“But what is your reason, exactly?”
“You know this job isn’t my thing. It was a good experience, but it’s time to move on.”
He huffed out a breath. “And this has nothing to do with LA?”
“I won’t deny that being around you is hard—despite your prickly attitude.”
“But I thought hooking up was no big thing. Finding sexual enjoyment is healthy and all that.”
“Guess it hits a little different when it’s with your boss. And when it feels that good.” It felt right to admit it. “And when you’re different in private. Like you actually…ugh, never mind.”
“Actually, what?” His voice had softened and so had his eyes.
“Like you actually cherish our time together too. Even though you don’t want that sort of entanglement in your life.”
He looked thunderstruck. This was pure torture, and I needed to move on. But I wasn’t a complete dick. I understood I’d blindsided him. And myself.
“Anyway, I’ll help until the end of the show season. That gives you time to find someone else.”
“But…but…” he sputtered. “You know all my idiosyncrasies and—”
“A new word I need to look up,” I said, and that got a quirk of his lip. “Are you saying I’m not replaceable?”