Page 75 of Undone
“How did you find us?” I spotted his rental car in the driveway. Surprisingly enough, it wasn’t fancy.
“Mabel from the general store directed me where to go.”
Jesus, if she thought I had celebrity status, I couldn’t imagine what she thought after laying eyes on him. Gossip would spread like wildfire.
Suddenly I saw the town and my parents’ house through Rowan’s sophisticated eyes. I motioned toward the living room, which looked dated and lived in. “Had I known you were coming, we would’ve…”
“Your childhood home is charming,” he replied, glancing past my shoulder.
“Did you hit your head or something?” I scrutinized him, and he chuckled.
“I don’t need the best accommodations or to be dressed in my favorite designer wear.” I arched a brow. He obviously did get struck in the head. “I just need…you.”
My heart rose to my throat. “I told you you’re not going to convince me to come back to work.”
Did he really come all the way out here for that?
“That’s not what I mean. You were right to leave. It’s not a good idea to have an employee who doesn’t know how to sew a button—”
“Hey, my button-sewing skills have really improved!” I said in my defense, even though he was right. He smirked, but I couldn’t help myself. Arguing his every point was sort of in my blood now.
He rubbed at that spot on his chest again. “Or an employee I feel this way about.”
I felt all floaty, like I was in a dream.
“That would qualify as nepotism, wouldn’t it?” he mused.
“Well, we’re not related, so…”
“I’m sorry for being so stubborn. You were right about everything. I was using my past experiences as a crutch. I’m overly confident in every aspect of my life—”
“Some might call it arrogant.”
“Except when it comes to being vulnerable with someone. And there’s nothing wrong with needing or preferring specific things from my lover.”
“Glad to hear you say it. There are so many other ways to be…intimate.” I glanced toward the kitchen to make sure we were still alone. “To make it exciting and special.”
“You’re right. Which is exactly the way it felt with you. So it was time for me to be brave. To take a leap of faith and just hope you want me as much as I want you.” Our eyes met and held. “Because God, I miss you. Your incessant talking, boring monologues, and poor fashion choices too.”
I motioned to my baggy jeans and worn T-shirt. “Had I known you were coming, I would’ve worn my shittiest clothes.”
“Those aren’t it?”
I laughed, my chest filling with something resembling joy. “Admit it, right now, you wouldn’t be caught dead with me, you snob.” I sighed. “Damn it, Ro. Of course I want you. You’re stubborn and frustrating. But also brilliant and caring and—”
He placed his finger against my mouth. “And you’re stunning, inside and out. The air in the city doesn’t feel quite right when you’re gone.”
“Are you saying I’m like some sort of smog?” My voice was muffled against his hand as he grinned.
He cleared his throat and grew sober again. “Did you know that our ridiculous banter has gotten me through some of my worst days?”
I inhaled sharply.
“Everything I said in my drunken stupor was true. You took my heart with you when you left because…I’m in love with you. And I didn’t want to go another day without you.”
My pulse thundered in my ears. “Say that again.”
“You’re incorrigible.” His hand was shaking, which only convinced me how difficult it was for him to come all the way here and pour out his heart. “It’s true. I—”
“I love you too,” I replied and threw myself into his arms.
“Oof.” Rowan stumbled backward, knocking down the umbrella stand. But once our lips met, everything else melted away. Tears threatened to spring from my eyes, but I kept them at bay. I’d never felt such happiness in my entire life—like it was radiating from the inside. I didn’t have a clue how we were going to make it work, but for now, I would bask in the glow.
We stood like that with our mouths connected in the slowest and softest kiss that made my toes curl. And thankfully, it wasn’t pornographic because Mom cleared her throat behind us. I begrudgingly pulled away.
“Well, I suppose this means Rowan is staying the week?” Her grin was blinding.
“I, um…if you’ll have me.” He smiled shyly. “Shae didn’t tell me how pretty your state is. I was hoping he’d show me around?”
“I would love to.” I looked at his feet. “Did you bring any sensible shoes?”
Oh, this was going to be good. Fishing, anyone?
“Of course.” He sniffed importantly. “I’m always prepared for every possible clothing outcome.”
That was true enough. He probably checked two suitcases instead of one.
Mom said, “The first order of business is getting you settled. We don’t have tons of room, but you can stay with Shae.”