Page 16 of True Believer

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Page 16 of True Believer

  Lexie, Jeremy reflected, wasn't like any of the women he'd recently dated. She didn't hide what she was thinking, she didn't try to impress him, nor was she swayed by anything he'd accomplished in the past. Instead, she seemed to evaluate him as he was today, right now, without holding either the past or the future against him.

  It was, he realized, one of the reasons he'd married Maria. It wasn't simply the heady flush of emotions he'd felt when they first made love that had enthralled him--rather, it was the simple things that convinced him that she was the one. Her lack of pretense around others, the steely way she confronted him when he did something wrong, the patience with which she would listen to him as he paced around, struggling with a vexing problem. And though he and Lexie hadn't shared any of the daily nitty-gritty of life, he couldn't shake the thought that she'd be good at dealing with it, if that was what she wanted.

  Jeremy realized she had a genuine affection for the people here, and she seemed to be truly interested in whatever it was they were saying. Her behavior suggested that she had no reason to rush or cut someone's conversation short, and she had no inhibitions about laughing aloud when something amused her. Every now and then, she'd lean in to hug someone, and pulling back, she'd reach for the person's hands and murmur something along the lines of "I'm so glad to see you again." That she didn't seem to think of herself as different, or even notice the fact that others obviously did, reminded Jeremy of an aunt who had always been the most popular person at holiday dinners, simply because she focused her attention so completely on others.

  A few minutes later when he rose from the table to stretch his legs, Jeremy saw Lexie moving toward him, with just a trace of seduction in the gentle sway of her hips. And as he watched her, there was a moment, just a moment, when the scene seemed as if it weren't happening now, but taking place in the future, just another little get-together in a long procession of get-togethers in a tiny southern town in the middle of nowhere.


  As the evening drew to a close, Jeremy stood with Mayor Gherkin on the porch while Lexie and Doris stood off to the side.

  "I sure do hope this evening met with your approval," Mayor Gherkin said, "and that you were able to see for yourself what a wonderful opportunity you have when it comes to this story."

  "I did, thank you. But you didn't have to go to all this trouble," Jeremy protested.

  "Nonsense," Gherkin replied. "Why, it's the least we can do. And besides, I wanted you to see what this town is capable of when it sets its mind to something. You can only imagine what we'd do for those television folks. Of course, you'll get a little bit more of the town's flavor this weekend, too. The small-town atmosphere, the feeling of traveling back in time as you walk through the homes. It's like nothing you can imagine."

  "I have no doubt about that," Jeremy said.

  Gherkin smiled. "Well, listen, I have a few things to take care of inside. A mayor's duty never ends, you know."

  "I understand," he said. "And thanks for this, by the way," Jeremy said, raising the key to the city.

  "Oh, you're very welcome. You deserve it." He reached for Jeremy's hand. "But don't get any funny ideas. It's not like you can open the bank vault with it. It's more of a symbolic gesture."

  Jeremy smiled as Gherkin pumped his hand. After Gherkin vanished inside, Doris and Lexie approached Jeremy, smirks on their faces. Despite that, Jeremy couldn't help but notice that Doris looked exhausted.

  "L-I-B," Doris said.

  "What?" Jeremy asked.

  "You and your city slicker ways."

  "Excuse me?"

  "It's just that you should have heard the way some of these folks were talking about you," Doris teased. "I just feel lucky that I can say I knew you way back when."

  Jeremy smiled, looking sheepish. "It was a little crazy, wasn't it?"

  "I'll say," Doris said. "My Bible study group talked all night about how handsome you are. A couple of them wanted to bring you home, but fortunately, I was able to talk them out of it. And besides, I don't think their husbands would have been too thrilled."

  "I appreciate that."

  "Did you get enough to eat? I think I can rustle up some food if you're hungry."

  "No, I'm fine. Thanks."

  "You sure? Your night's really just beginning, isn't it?"

  "I'll be okay," he assured her. In the silence, he looked around, noting that the fog had become even thicker. "But on that note, I suppose I should probably be going. I'd hate to miss my big chance at getting a whiff of the supernatural."

  "Don't worry. You won't miss the lights," Doris said. "They don't come out until later, so you've still got a couple of hours." Surprising Jeremy, she leaned in and gave him a tired hug. "I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to meet everyone. It's not every stranger who's as good at listening as you are."

  "No problem. I enjoyed it."

  After Doris had released him, Jeremy turned his attention to Lexie, thinking that growing up with Doris must have been a lot like growing up with his own mother.

  "You ready to go?"

  Lexie nodded, but still hadn't said a word to him. Instead, she kissed Doris on the cheek, said she'd see her tomorrow, and a moment later, Jeremy and Lexie were walking to the car, the gravel crunching softly beneath their feet. She seemed to be staring into the distance but seeing nothing at all. After a few steps in silence, Jeremy gently nudged her shoulder with his.

  "You okay? You're sort of quiet."

  She shook her head, coming back to him. "I'm just thinking about Doris. Tonight really tired her out, and even though I probably shouldn't, I worry about her."

  "She seemed fine."

  "Yeah, she puts up a good front. But she's got to learn to take it easier. She had a heart attack a couple of years ago, but she likes to pretend it never happened. And after this, she has a big weekend, too."

  Jeremy wasn't quite sure what to say; the thought that Doris was anything but healthy had never entered his mind.

  Lexie noticed his discomfort and smiled. "But she did enjoy herself, that's for sure. We both had the chance to talk to a lot of people that we haven't seen in a while."

  "I thought everyone here saw everyone else all the time."

  "We do. But people are busy, and it's not often that you have more than a few minutes to chat between errands. Tonight was nice, though." She glanced toward him. "And Doris was right. People loved you."

  She sounded almost shocked by the admission, and Jeremy pushed his hands into his pockets.

  "Well, you shouldn't have been surprised. I am very lovable, you know."

  She rolled her eyes, looking more playful than annoyed. Behind them, the house was receding into the distance as they rounded the hedge.

  "Hey, I know it's none of my business, but how did it go with Rodney?"

  She hesitated before finally shrugging. "You're right. It is none of your business."

  He looked for a smile but saw none. "Well, the only reason I asked was because I was wondering whether you think it might be a good idea if I sneak out of town under the cover of darkness so he doesn't have the chance to crush my head with his bare hands."

  That brought a smile. "You'll be fine. And besides, you'd break the mayor's heart if you left. Not every visitor gets a party like this or a key to the city."

  "It's the first one I've ever received. Usually, I just get hate mail."

  She laughed, the sound melodic. In the moonlight, her features were unreadable, and he thought back to how animated she had been among the townspeople.

  Reaching the car, he opened the door for her. As she climbed in, she brushed against him slightly, and he wondered if she did so in response to the way he'd nudged her, or if she even noticed. After rounding the car, he slid behind the wheel, slipping the keys into the ignition but hesitating before starting the engine.

  "What?" she asked.

  "I was just thinking . . . ," he said, trailing off.

  The words seemed to hang in the car an

d she nodded. "I thought I heard some squeaking."

  "Funny. I was trying to say, I know it's getting late, but would you like to come with me to the cemetery?"

  "In case you get scared?"

  "Something like that."

  She peeked at her watch, thinking, Oh, boy . . .

  She shouldn't go. She really shouldn't. She'd already opened the door by coming with him tonight, and to spend the next couple of hours alone with him would open the door even further. She knew that nothing good could come of that, and there wasn't a single reason to say yes. But before she could stop herself, the words were already coming.

  "I'd have to swing by the house first to change into something more comfortable."

  "That's fine," he said. "I'm all for you changing into something more comfortable."

  "I'll bet you are," she said knowingly.

  "Now, don't start getting fresh," he said, feigning offense. "I don't think we know each other well enough for that."

  "That's my line," she said.

  "I thought I'd heard it somewhere."

  "Well, get your own material next time. And just so you know, I don't want you getting any funny ideas about tonight, either."

  "I have no funny ideas. I'm completely devoid of humor."

  "You know what I meant."

  "No," he said, trying to look innocent. "What did you mean?"

  "Just drive, will you? Or I'll change my mind."

  "Okay, okay," he said, turning the key. "Gee, you can be pushy sometimes."

  "Thank you. I've been told it's one of my better qualities."

  "By whom?"

  "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  The Taurus rolled along the foggy streets, the yellow streetlamps only making the night seem murkier. As soon as they pulled into her drive, she opened her door.

  "Wait here," she said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll only be a few minutes."

  He smiled, liking the fact she was nervous.

  "Do you need my key to the city to open your door? I'd be happy to lend it to you."

  "Now, don't start thinking you're special, Mr. Marsh. My mother got a key to the city, too."

  "Are we back to 'Mr. Marsh' again? And here I thought we were getting along just fine."

  "And I'm beginning to think this evening has gone to your head."

  She stepped out of the car and closed the door behind her in an attempt to have the last word. Jeremy laughed, thinking she was a lot like he was. Unable to resist, he pressed the button on his door to lower her window. He leaned across the seat.

  "Hey, Lexie?"

  She turned. "Yes?"

  "Since it might be chilly tonight, feel free to grab a bottle of wine."

  She put her hands on her hips. "Why? So you can ply me with liquor?"

  He grinned. "Only if you're okay with that."

  Her eyes narrowed, but like before, she looked more playful than offended. "Not only do I not keep any wine in the house, Mr. Marsh, but I'd say no, anyway."

  "You don't drink?"

  "Not too much," she said. "Now, wait there," she warned, pointing toward the drive. "I'm going to throw on a pair of jeans."

  "I promise not to even try to peek in the window."

  "Good idea. I'd definitely have to tell Rodney if you did something that stupid."

  "That doesn't sound good."

  "Trust me," she said, trying to muster a severe look, "it wouldn't be."

  Jeremy watched her move up the walkway, certain that he'd never met anyone quite like her.

  Fifteen minutes later, they pulled to a stop in front of Cedar Creek Cemetery. He'd angled the car so the headlights shone into the cemetery, and his first thought was that even the fog looked different here. It was dense and impenetrable in places while thin in others, and the slight breeze made discrete tendrils curve and twist, almost as if alive. The low-hanging branches of the magnolia tree were nothing but darkened shadows, and the crumbling tombs added to the eerie effect. It was so dark that Jeremy was unable to discern even the faintest sliver of the moon in the sky.

  Leaving the car idling, he popped the trunk. As she peered in, Lexie's eyes widened.

  "It looks like you've got the makings to build a bomb in there."

  "Nah," he said. "Just a bunch of cool things. Guys love their toys, you know."

  "I thought you'd just have a video camera or something like that."

  "I do. I have four of them."

  "Why do you need four?"

  "To film every angle, of course. For instance, what if the ghosts are walking in the wrong direction? I might not get their faces."

  She ignored the comment. "And what's this thing?" she asked, pointing to an electronic box.

  "A microwave radiation detector. And this over here," he said, gesturing at another item, "sort of goes with it. It detects electromagnetic activity."

  "You're kidding."

  "No," he said. "It's in the official ghostbuster's handbook. You'll often find increased spiritual activity in areas where there are high concentrations of energy, and this will help detect an abnormal energy field."

  "Have you ever recorded an abnormal energy field?"

  "As a matter of fact, I have. In a supposedly haunted house, no less. Unfortunately, it had nothing to do with ghosts. The owner's microwave oven wasn't working properly."

  "Ah," she said.

  He looked at her. "Now you're stealing my lines."

  "It's all I could come up with. Sorry."

  "It's okay. I'll share."

  "Why do you have all this stuff?"

  "Because," he said, "when I debunk the possibility of ghosts, I have to use everything that paranormal investigators use. I don't want to be accused of missing anything, and these people have their rules. Besides, it seems more impressive when someone reads that you've used an electromagnetic detector. They think you know what you're doing."

  "And do you?"

  "Sure. I told you, I have the official handbook."

  She laughed. "So what can I help you with? Do you need me to help carry any of this stuff?"

  "We'll be using all of it. But if you consider this to be manly work, I'm sure I can handle it on my own while you do your nails or something."

  She pulled out one of the camcorders, slung it over her shoulder, and grabbed another one.

  "Okay, Mr. Manly, which way?"

  "That depends. Where do you think we should set up? Since you've seen the lights, maybe you have some ideas."

  She nodded in the direction of the magnolia tree, where she'd been heading when he'd first seen her in the cemetery.

  "Over there," she said. "That's where you'll see the lights."

  It was the spot directly in front of Riker's Hill, though the hill was hidden in the fog.

  "Do they always appear in the same spot?"

  "I have no idea. But that's where they were when I saw them."

  Over the next hour, as Lexie filmed him with one of the camcorders, Jeremy set everything up. He arranged the other three video recorders in a large triangular pattern, mounting them on tripods, attaching special filtering lenses to two of them, and adjusting the zoom until the entire area was overlapped. He tested the laser remotes, then began setting up the audio equipment. Four microphones were attached to nearby trees, and a fifth was placed near the center, which was where he'd set the electromagnetic and radiation detectors, as well as the central recorder.

  As he was making sure everything worked properly, he heard Lexie calling out to him.

  "Hey, how do I look?"

  He turned and saw her wearing the night-vision goggles and looking something like a bug.

  "Very sexy," he said. "I think you've definitely found your style."

  "These things are neat. I can see everything out here."

  "Anything I should be worried about?"

  "Aside from a couple of hungry cougars and bears, you seem to be alone."

  "Well, I'm almost done here. All I still have to do is spread

some flour and unwind the thread."

  "Flour? Like baking flour?"

  "It's to make sure no one tampers with the equipment. The flour is so I can check for footprints, and the thread will let me know if anyone else approaches."

  "That's very clever. But you know we're alone out here, right?"

  "You can never be certain," he said.

  "Oh, I'm certain. But you just do your thing, and I'll keep the camera pointed in the right direction. You're doing great, by the way."

  He laughed as he opened the bag of flour and began pouring, circling the cameras with a thin white layer. He did the same around the microphones and other equipment, then tied the thread to a branch and formed a large square around the whole area as if closing off a crime scene. He ran a second thread about two feet lower and then hung small bells on the thread. When he finally finished, he made his way back to Lexie.

  "I didn't know there was so much to do," she said.

  "I guess you're developing a whole new level of respect for me, huh?"

  "Not really. I was actually just trying to make conversation."

  He smiled before nodding toward the car. "I'm going to go hit the lights on the car. And hopefully, none of this will have been in vain."

  When he shut off the engine, the cemetery turned black and he waited for his eyes to adjust. Unfortunately, they didn't, the cemetery proving to be darker than a cave. After feeling his way back to the gate like a blind spelunker, he stumbled on an exposed root just inside the entrance and nearly fell.

  "Can I have my night-vision goggles?" he shouted.

  "No," he heard her respond. "Like I said, these things are neat. And besides, you're doing fine."

  "But I can't see anything."

  "You're clear for the next few steps. Just walk forward."

  He moved forward slowly with his arms outstretched before stopping.

  "Now what?"

  "You're in front of a crypt, so move to your left." She sounded way too amused by this, Jeremy thought.

  "You forgot to say 'Simon says.'"

  "Do you want my help or not?"

  "I really want my goggles," he almost pleaded.

  "You'll have to come and get them."

  "You could always come and get me instead."

  "I could, but I won't. It's much more fun to see you wandering around like a zombie. Now move to your left. I'll tell you when to stop."

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