Page 128 of Jaylen
“Thank you.” Jay still wasn’t sure he deserved the second chance Misha had given him, but he was so glad that God had worked it out for them. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” The soft smile she gave him filled Jay’s heart.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. When she moved back a little and lifted her head to look at him, Jay saw the love he felt for her reflected in her gaze.
Because he wanted to be more respectful of Misha in their relationship than he’d been of the women in his past, Jay whispered, “May I kiss you?”
Misha’s smile came quickly as she said, “Yes. Always yes.”
When their lips touched for the first time, Jay vowed once again to cherish Misha and the love God had given them for each other. As they leaned into their first kiss, Jay held her with gentle hands, wanting her to know all the love he felt for her. All the joy he felt in her presence.
Mindful of the public place that they were in, Jay didn’t allow their kiss to linger too long. However, he didn’t feel disappointed that this first kiss hadn’t lasted longer.
When he lifted his head and saw the love in her gaze, Jay couldn’t help but tighten his arms around Misha, then he lifted her and swung her around in a gentle circle. Her laughter wrapped around him as she gripped his arms.
This was just the start of things for them. The first of many kisses to come. The first of many joyous moments shared, just the two of them.
So rather than disappointment, all he felt was excitement for what lay ahead.
Misha looked at the women gathered in the room with her, each dressed beautifully in preparation for the wedding that day. She’d been surprised, but also felt honored, when Aria had asked her to be one of her bridesmaids. Janessa, of course, was Aria’s maid of honor, and Charli was also a bridesmaid.
Gareth had had a more difficult time deciding on who to choose as his best man since he had two best friends. Jackson had suggested they flip a coin for the job. That idea had backfired on the man, however, when Wade won the toss. Jay was the third groomsmen and Misha’s partner.
All the bridesmaids were wearing long dresses in lavender. Though Misha wasn’t likely to wear the dress again, she loved how it looked on her. The dresses were all the same color, but they’d each chosen a different style. Misha’s was a sheath style with a square neckline and filmy sleeves of lavender tulle that reached her elbows.
The men would be wearing light grey suits with ties that matched the bridesmaids’ dresses, and Misha couldn’t wait to see Jay in his outfit. She had no doubt that he was going to be the most handsome of all the men—even the groom. Of course, she didn’t give voice to her thoughts, knowing that at least one woman would argue with her about that.
The wedding photographer circled around them, snapping pictures as they sorted through the flowers that had just arrived. They were currently gathered in a Sunday school room at the church, waiting for word that the ceremony was ready to start.
“Are you going to cry your way down the aisle, Aria?” Janessa asked her best friend.
“I don’t think so,” Aria said. “This is the happiest day of my life.”
“Gareth’s too,” Janessa told her.
Aria gazed into the mirror that leaned against one of the walls. “I’ve already cried my tears over my mom not being here. She wouldn’t want me crying today.”
Misha didn’t know how she would have dealt with not having her mom around for her wedding, and she hoped she never had to find out.
“I love my dress, Auntie Aria,” Layla said as she spun in a circle, her skirt flaring out. Her and Ciara’s flower girl dresses were a sage green color with sashes that matched the lavender of the bridesmaids’ dresses.
Misha hadn’t expected Aria to want to have Ciara in the wedding party, and Misha hadn’t been sureshewanted Ciara in the wedding party. At almost two, Ciara was a great walker, but she was an absoluteproat running. Hopefully, having Layla and Peyton with her would keep Ciara from running off.
Her mom had taken Ciara out into the hall for a few minutes, so she didn’t keep pulling on the women’s dresses. Aria’s beautiful white dress fascinated her, and she kept wanting to touch it.
“I’m glad Micah was okay with not walking you down the aisle,” Janessa said.
“He understood,” Aria told her.
“And you weren’t tempted to change your mind in the last week?”
Aria’s half-brother and his mom had arrived that week for the wedding, and it had been interesting meeting them. When Misha had heard about Aria’s past, she’d been amazed at the woman’s willingness to invite them into such an important event in her life.
Janessa put her arm around Aria’s shoulders. “I’m glad you’re marrying Gareth. We’re going to officially be sisters now.”