Page 13 of Hunted By Them
“Trouble.” He tapped the front page of the newspaper. “Big trouble.”
Delta Feed. Granny had talked about them a few times. They’d set up shop just beyond the town at one of the old mills. She’d said they were trying to take over the local feed communities, prevent them from selling by any means possible so that local farmers were forced to only buy their stock.
Apparently, Haven wasn’t the only place they were making a move on. A queasy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I stared at the logo of the food company. I’d seen it before, but where?
I brushed it off, assuming I’d no doubt seen it around town over the past few weeks. There were signs everywhere in Haven protesting the company’s sudden appearance.
“You recognize them?” The sheriff eyed the paper and then me, suspicion painted across his face, clear as day. Granny had told anyone who asked that I was a distant relative who’d suffered severe amnesia due to a concussion.
I shrugged. “Logo looks familiar, is all.”
The sheriff grunted but didn’t say anything else. He simply tipped his hat at me and left without a backward glance. Odd. Why did he care whether I recognized the men from the feed company?
“Rey,” Granny called from behind the bar. Workhorse. “Next up.”
Shaking off the feeling of unease, I quickly wiped down the now empty table before grabbing the coffee orders from the front counter. I had enough troubles of my own without delving into Granny’s.
All I needed to do was keep my head down.
Easier said than done.
Sadie’s head was buried between my thighs, her mouth hugging my cock. Normally, the sight of her blond hair bobbing up and down in my lap, her tongue laving at the underside of my cock, would have me hard as steel, but now there was nothing.
In fact, there had been nothing since I set eyes on that girl in the river.
Rey…That was the name she’d told Doc. Rey with no last name. It should have been easy to track her down. Haven wasn’t all that large. Somehow, she had managed to sneak under the radar for the past few weeks.
Wolf still wanted to question her. Interrogate her about her scent, or lack thereof. She’d told Doc that she had fallen into the river. None of us believed that to be the truth. Doc said she’d had a knife wound, but he’d left that out of the official report to the hospital so that he could detain her as a psych patient.
No one suspected the little minx would take a dive out the window to escape. One thing we knew for certain: she wasn’t human. We were still waiting on the lab results from Doc’s sources. They tended to get backed up, and running our littledoe through the system wasn’t top priority when there were immediate threats to our kind.
Threats that all led back to Delta Feed.
Another town had fallen prey to their dirty tactics. Livestock were dying. Crops withering. Worse were the people. Shifters were acting feral, nearly rabid, and humans were getting sick left and right. Those who weren’t affected had somehow fallen into a daze, reversing their position on Delta Feed at the drop of a hat.
What we couldn’t figure out was their endgame.
Delta wasn’t going for large communities or cities. They focused on small towns and vulnerable populations. What did they have to gain from making shifters lose their minds?
“Enough,” I grunted at Sadie. It was no use; she just didn’t do it for me anymore. The fox didn’t listen. Her ministrations increased, as if her sucking me harder would help. It didn’t. “I said enough.” I grabbed her hair harshly, and she popped off my dick with a wet slurp.
“Come on, baby.” She pouted her mussed red lips. “Just let me finish you.”
“You’re not doing it for me, Sadie,” I sneered. “Go.”
The fox rolled her eyes with a huff and stood. “You know where I’ll be.” With that, she turned and headed toward one of my brothers. A few weeks ago, the sight of her walking away to one of my brothers would have had me grabbing her and fucking her against the pool table for the entire club to see.
Not now.
Now, I just wanted the sweet curvy frame of that redheaded runaway. Her body had been soft against mine as I held her in my arms on the way to the hospital. It was hard not to notice her ample bosom, just enough to fill a man’s hand, and the firm, peachy ass I wanted to leave my mark on.
“Church!” Wolf called as he strode through the room, a familiar-looking woman shadowing his every step.
“Granny!” I called jovially. I shot up from the couch. “Look at you coming to hang in the slums.” Granny chuckled and shook her head.