Page 3 of Seducing His Mate
With the message sent to his brothers, he tracked the narrow set of shoulders on the woman trying her best to dodge another confrontation. He licked his lips, tasting her and savoring every delicious memory. A growl filled chest when she reached the door. Jenna just met her match and challenged his beast, knowing she belonged with him. His chin dropped and his eyes narrowed to thin slits. She might run, but she’d never get away.
Chapter 4
A string of profanities angrily tumbled from her lips as soon as the late summer air caressed her cheeks. Jenna glanced over her shoulder to ensure the devil hadn’t followed, then sprinted to her sports utility vehicle parked at the back of the lot. Her nerves were frazzled. Dance clubs and playboys were not her usual scene. She preferred the quiet life although could mingle with the best when necessary.
The unexpected jolt of succulent attraction unbalanced her currently unsettled life and plans. Trent was going to be a prickly thorn in her ass. The sooner they concluded their business the better. His veterinarian clinic sat on the edge of King property and her bakery would be in town. She could avoid him. Rarely would they see each other. At least, that was her plan.
Her gaze lifted to the white lights surrounding the club as a deep sigh fell from her lips. This is what Trent King preferred. This type of establishment was his playground, and beautiful women his toys. She noticed the looks women tossed his direction and had watched him on the balcony. His movements were sleek and calculated. The expensive clothing fit to accentuate every chiseled muscle and the impressive size of his body.
Jenna deeply inhaled, still catching his scent on her clothing and skin. The masculine taste of him lingered in her mouth and she licked her lips wanting more. Her eyes narrowed on the entrance to the club when the door opened, and Trent strolled into the night. Her bear scratched beneath her skin, causing goosebumps to rise on her flesh. A low growl emerged when another woman, a stunning, long-legged brunette, positioned herself behind Trent and touched his shoulder as if she intimately knew him.
In the dark interior of her vehicle, Jenna and her bear watched another woman try to claim what belonged to them. Her canines lengthened over her bottom lip as the bear inside threatened to assume control. Small hands clenched into tight fists with the uncontrollable jealousy roaring inside her head. Smoldering anger twisted in her gut for the man she swore she didn’t want, but now her emotions were out of control. She may not want him in her life, but he was her mate in every sense of the word.
After he pushed the woman’s hand from his shoulder, he appeared to scan the parking lot, slowly and methodically. Her face tilted when his gaze turned in her direction and their eyes locked. A battle of wills seemed to take place in that heated, tense moment.
Jenna leaned forward and gripped the steering wheel, jaws clenched in anger. One hand released the wheel and turned the key over on the ignition. Bright headlights illuminated everything about him from his dark head to his dress shoes. The corner of his lip lifted in what appeared to be a snarl and his hazel eyes glowed.
“I dare you,” Jenna whispered, into the windshield and at the man intent on pushing all her buttons.
When a bright smile spread on his handsome face, she slammed the gearshift into first with one foot on the clutch and the other on the gas. She wanted to run him over, but her bear wanted to lick every inch of his tempting flesh. “Damn,” she muttered, when he took a step in her direction and then another until he was too close, circling her like the beast he was…they both were.
Her chin lifted when a command emanated from Trent in the form of a growl. Her mouth gaped at the audacity of this man. He expected her to submit to him, to her mate, but he had another thing coming. She tore out of the parking lot and hit the main road at a dangerous speed. As she sped away, she glanced to the left only to see Trent’s black, sports coupe quickly backing out of its parking space.
“Oh shit,” she laughed out, without even knowing why she laughed. Tires squealed when she turned onto the freeway, heading east toward Kingston. A wide smile spread as she depressed the accelerator, weaving in and out of traffic until she was sure quite a bit of distance separated them. The lights of the city disappeared as the dense forest crept closer along the edge of the road, but still she hurried toward her destination. She needed release and she needed space. Her bear was frantic to run wild. There was no doubt Trent was her mate.
The six-lane highway turned to two lanes once she entered the Appalachian Mountain Range. Streetlights vanished, and a full moon dominated the starry night, but still she drove until she reached a gravel turnoff. Just as she maneuvered onto a narrow lane, headlights flashed in the corner of her rearview mirror. Jenna held her breath, with one foot on the brake pedal, hoping the car passed and when it did, she continued along the narrow path.
This little piece of heaven was found close to fifty miles from Kingston, Virginia, heavily wooded, and unoccupied. She’d done her homework and scoped it out as a possible place to camp, shift, and run without intrusion. The land was for sale, but it would take an enormous amount of cash to develop it. If she had the funds, she’d buy it herself.
Jenna sighed and turned off her headlights, relying on enhanced bear vision for the remaining two miles deeper into the forest. She never intended to be homeless, but her father’s doctor’s bills ate all their savings. When her mother finally passed, they were already behind on their rent, so no mercy was left for the adult daughter. With no other family to rely on, she was forced to leave her home.
Her lips twitched as she considered her situation for the thousandth time. It was only while sifting through her mother’s personal belongings that she found the contract between her father and Trent King’s father. The King family owned her family’s restaurant in the small city of Kingston, Virginia, and she wanted it back.
Her parents sold it when her father became sick as a way to relocate to Alaska and pay the medical bills. Unfortunately, there was nothing left of the money. What she didn’t expect was a betrothal contract between herself and the second King son. Were those even considered legal anymore? Either way, she didn’t want Trent King for a mate.
Her eyes closed as she remembered his scent, and her bear chuffed at the lie she so smoothly told herself. Jenna firmed her lips, parked her vehicle, and groaned at the stars overhead. She needed to be one with the forest, let her bear out, and release some energy.
After climbing from her vehicle, she rolled her head on her shoulders, then strolled to her campsite. She bit the inside of her cheek while studying every detail, ensuring nothing was out of place. The small pup tent appeared untouched and there were no footprints or scents she didn’t recognize.
Jenna glanced over her shoulder before stripping her clothes, tossing them in the tent, then allowing the change to occur. Brown fur lengthened along her arms, and sharp, black claws extended from her fingertips when her hands shifted from feminine to beastly. Small feet became long, wide paws and fur rippled over her flesh. She gritted her teeth when her face elongated into a snout and powerful jaws. Bones popped and cracked in the dark of the night until a small grizzly bear stood where a woman once had.
A roar filled the darkness as she ran farther into the forest, allowing her bear free rein. The weight of the world disappeared, and in its place pure animal instinct dominated. Hoot owls called from overhead and smaller animals scurried to hide. Sticks cracked beneath the weight of her paws and shrubs caressed her thick hide of fur. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the strong scents of pine, earth, and freedom. Her bear was the ultimate predator of the forest. Things like wealth didn’t matter here.
Jenna waded into a small stream, enjoying the cool water against her paws and the peacefulness of the night. Thirst caused her massive head to drop, but she went perfectly still when a small fish wiggled in the water. Dinner! She couldn’t afford much food, so supplemented her diet with what she could forage from the forest. Fresh fish would be a special treat.
Chapter 5
Trent gritted his teeth so hard his jaw almost cracked. How dare she ignore his command. He was going to beat her ass when he found her, and he would. From a safe, unsuspecting distance, he followed her out of the city but backed off when they reached the two-lane highway leading to Kingston. He expected her to go into town, so when she pulled off the main road, he was intrigued. He continued past the turnoff only to park a half a mile away from her location, then backtracked to where her scent was strongest.
A tent and a small stone ring for a fire, but not much else could be found. What was she doing living out here? This land belonged to one of his friends. He’d thought about purchasing it himself several times. Maybe he would now.
He crouched beside her clothes with a wicked grin, before removing his own and shifting to his grizzly bear. Never mind that she was in the forest alone, on someone else’s property, and had deliberately ignored her mate, but she also was reckless, drove him insane, and wasn’t giving him a fair chance. Massive damage had been inflicted to his pride.
He found her in a stream hunting for fish. Moonlight caressed her brown fur, but he was shocked at how small she appeared. Black eyes watched every movement while inhaling her musky scent. When he realized she was in estrus, his eyes narrowed to slits. No wonder she was so cantankerous, and he was so damn horny. His bear was ready to pounce, but he maintained firm control.
Slowly, so as not to startle her, he crept over a fallen log, but when a twig snapped, he froze in place. Jenna’s grizzly head snapped to attention, but she didn’t move. Only the sounds of the trickling creek and occasional bird could be heard over the pounding of his heart. After sniffing the air, Jenna’s bear growled low and deep. Her head dropped, but her eyes focused on the area where he hid. The jig was up.
Trent slowly emerged from the tree line. His bear was massive, so he expected her to run, not stand her ground and charge him. If he could laugh in bear form, he would, because Jenna was the cutest, damn teddy bear on the planet, although she barreled into him with the force of a bulldozer. In a tangle of furry legs, arms, and snouts they tumbled over the embankment into the stream Jenna had just vacated, both snarling and snapping their teeth together. Humor filled his spirit, causing him to immediately shift followed by Jenna. Naked and out of breath, they both lay in the cold water, panting and occasionally laughing at the night sky.