Page 6 of Seducing His Mate
He didn’t want to broach the subject of the restaurant or betrothal but couldn’t let it go. “And the things you laid in my lap in the club?”
Her chuckle wasn’t what he expected. “No worries, Trent. I only found them while going through my mother’s things. We don’t know each other, and I don’t expect anything although I appreciate the help. Once our business is concluded, you’ll never have to see me again.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Jenna’s eyes drooped as she snuggled into his covers. The urge to cuddle behind her, bring her into the shelter of his body was strong, but he didn’t move. He could still taste her, and he wanted more. She had branded him for all time. When the corner of her lip lifted in a sleepy smile, he wanted to lick that spot.
“What would a man with everything want with a woman with nothing? I didn’t come here to interrupt your lifestyle. I just want to make wedding cakes and thought the restaurant would be the start of a new life, one where I can support myself and have a roof over my head, but that idea isn’t going to work either. I’m sorry, Trent.”
“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for interrupting.” The words emerged slurred as she drifted to sleep.
Trent lay awake long into the night, enjoying the even sounds of her breathing, the peacefulness of her presence to him and his bear, and the little sounds and movements she made in her sleep. He wasn’t the callous asshole she thought, and she didn’tinterrupthis life in any way. As a matter of fact, he liked the way she barged into his life. A grin spread as he remembered the confrontation at the club…and that kiss. He desired so much more. The thought of her leaving brought an ache to his chest he’d never experienced.
After the meeting with his brothers, and a chat with his lawyer, operation seducing his mate would commence. He chuckled to himself thinking of all the ways to push Jenna’s buttons and win her love, and how humbling it was she didn’t want him. The proof of that lie was in their dance and that kiss, and there was no way he’d let her go so easy.
Chapter 8
Trent strode into the family home with a spring in his step, even though he was exhausted. He left Jenna sound asleep, snuggling in his bed, her honeysuckle scent soaking into his pillow. It was tempting to crawl in beside her, but he needed to talk to his brothers.
Saturday was his day off. He only worked weekends if there was an emergency but checked on his feline patients before driving to the King residence. After making himself a cup of coffee, he plopped in a chair at the kitchen table, tossed Jenna’s contracts on the surface, and awaited his tardy brothers.
Although his parents had passed, numerous pictures reminded him of his childhood. They were a rough bunch, always dirty from playing in the mountains. As children, they stayed together since they were bear shifters. They attended public school but didn’t have many friends. Times were tough during adolescence. It wasn’t easy to learn to control the inner bear, but with their parent’s guidance, they conquered their beasts.
His face tilted while studying a portrait of his parents. Reclusive and quiet, they never mingled with folks in town, except for business, nor did they speak of their pasts. He understood the need for secrecy, but his parents were in full control of their bears at all times.
His father owned one-thousand acres of heavily wooded and extremely private land, controlling who could develop in the rural town of Kingston. The land had been passed from generation to generation. William King was a shrewd businessman and real estate developer, but his mother, Patty, the gentle nurturer. Together they ensured five, rowdy, bear shifter sons had the space they needed to roam and the guidance they needed to survive.
His mother’s ad was a shock, and now his sassy mate’s contracts. The ad for mail-order wives threw all five brothers a curve ball. Now that Jenna had revealed herself, if only to bring the so-called contracts…well, that added another layer of how do I use this to my advantage? But Trent knew what had to be done, and that was to set things in motion to win over his mate.
He chuckled to himself just as his eldest brother, Lucas, stumbled down the stairs, still in his pajama pants. The brothers weren’t early risers, especially on a Saturday morning. Lucas grumbled about something under his breath while pouring himself a cup of coffee just as Beau, Molokai, and Micah entered the kitchen, all sporting frowns.
Once everyone sat in their chairs around the table, Lucas was the first to speak while grabbing one of the contracts. “What’s this?”
Trent tossed one arm over the back of his chair and crossed his legs beneath the table. “It seems I’m betrothed. It also seems that empty, ancient restaurant in town belongs to another…or it should.”
A devious grin spread on Lucas’ mouth when he grabbed the betrothal contract and began to read. One eyebrow arched and his mug of coffee dropped on the table, sloshing the rich brew everywhere. “A betrothal contract? For you? Oh, this is rich.”
His temper flared a tiny bit when all four brothers burst into loud laughter while passing the contract around, but their teasing remarks and congratulations had him laughing right along with them. Trent ran one hand threw his hair when the laughter died. “The question is if these are binding contracts?”
Beau arched one eyebrow. “I think the real question is do you want them to be?”
Micah rocked his chair back then allowed it to thump against the hardwood floors with a wicked grin plastered on his face. “The lady’s man. It can’t be true? Come on, man, don’t disappoint the bachelors left in the family.”
“What’s her name? Where’s she from?” Molokai seriously asked. “Are you sure she’s for real? This could be some kind of setup?”
Trent shook his head. “I don’t think so. My bear practically clawed his way out of my skin. She’s grizzly and from Alaska. Her name is Jenna. She claims our dad signed this contract with her dad when he became ill. She’s asking for the restaurant.” He glanced away from his brother’s sleepy faces before delivering the next part because he knew the teasing remarks, from this, would go down in history. “And she doesn’t want me as a mate.”
The kitchen turned eerily quiet as four blank faces stared back at him, before each one burst into smiles and outrageous, male laughter. Palms smacked the table and Lucas even had to walk away. Beau spilled his coffee but continued to laugh while wiping it with paper towels. Molokai and Micah traded sarcastic remarks before finally settling into snorts and occasional glances.
“I’m glad my love life provided such entertainment for you, assholes.”
Lucas gripped the back of his chair with a smirk still lifting the corners of his mouth. “How did she find you?”
Trent brightly smiled and straightened his shoulders. “She stalked me at Club Domino and served me there.”
“Oh man, this just gets better and better,” Micah shouted.